“Your life might not look like what you’ve envisioned
because it’s meant to be so much bigger.”
~Todd Durkin
IMPACT WORKOUT—“Ascending Bridges”
Circuit 1:
- KB Swings x 20 seconds
- KB Deadlifts x 20 seconds
Circuit 2:
- Overhead Triceps Extensions (TRX, Bands, or Ropes) x 30-seconds
- Bicep Curls + Shoulder Press x 30-seconds
Circuit 3:
- Rev. Lunges (Alternating legs) x 40-seconds
- Planks (optional “Sproles-ups”) x 40-seconds
Complete 3-supersets within each circuit; if you have a training partner, both partners complete one exercise and then move to the next exercise in the circuit. See-saw back & forth so that you get 1:1 work/rest and get 3-full circuits. 1-minute between each circuit.
** If you would like more volume or are teaching a class with this format, you can make each station “5” minutes with 60-seconds between each circuit.
Soul Fuel:
Father God, give me the strength, vision, and audacity to step into the purpose you have imparted in me. Please give me the courage and obedience to listen deeply to you so that I can follow my divine uniqueness and operate in complete trust. Thank you. Amen.