Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival

It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]

Happy Thanksgiving! — What I Am Most Thankful For

Every week of the year I create, think of, dedicate and write a Word-of-the-Week (WOW). And I’ve been sharing that for the past 3 years. And I have to honestly say that this week, THANKSGIVING week, is one of my favorite weeks of the year. WHY? Well, because THANKSGIVING is a pure American holiday, filled […]

Have You Ever Been Knocked Down or Out?

Sometimes you win in life. And sometimes you lose. And it sucks when you lose. No-one likes it. I don’t like it. And you probably don’t like it either. Especially when you work your tail off for something for weeks, months, or years for and it doesn’t work out the way you envision. My man […]

I’m Looking for REDEMPTION

When I was a junior in high school, I once cost my football team a win in a very important game against a big rival of ours. And that loss ultimately kept us out of the playoffs at the end of the year. Despite driving the team (Brick, NJ) the length of the field and […]

Do you have a “Last Day Sentence”?

  The late great Coach Tom Landry once made this statement: “Great coaches tell their athletes things they NEED to hear, not that they want to hear; they have them see what they NEED to see but don’t want to see… so they can be all they were meant to be.” Read that again. Quite […]

Create Your Edge?

  “Success is never ending and failure is never final.” It’s a quote by Robert Schuller that resonates deeply. It’s for the upper 10% of the world that are considered peak performers. These are the folks, in any industry, that are always searching for “the edge.” What is your edge? What are you going to […]

Do You Have The “Fitness Flu”?

No one likes having viruses. Or getting sick. And your fitness business can’t afford be “sick” either. Do you or does your business have any of the following symptoms of the “Fitness  Flu?”: 1. You feel apathy and stale in your services or deliverables. Heck, maybe you are even burnt-out? 2. Your revenues are NOT […]

The Secret Sauce to Creating a Winning Team & Culture

I just got back from presenting at the Club Industry Conference in Chicago. It was there that I had the opportunity to do a 60-minute presentation on “Creating a Winning Team & Culture—Keys to Studio Profitability.” And we had a great crowd of people who were fired-up to improve their businesses. I spoke on several […]

Become a ROCKSTAR in Your Community!

I recently had the opportunity to return to where I received my Master’s degree (San Diego State University) to talk to about 150 undergraduate students on “Entrepeneurship.” It was so much darned FUN!!! After introducing myself to the students and telling them what I do, they had the opportunity to ask me (and 2 other […]

27 Ways To Boost Your ENERGY Now!

27 Ways To Boost Your ENERGY Now! by Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I think I have talked to about 5 people alone this week who were really tired. Like really, really tired. Exhausted. Fatigued. No energy. Trying to muster up energy and there is nothing there. And this was before they even started working out. […]