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Memorial Day–Freedom Reigns

Freedom Reigns
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

I’m up a bit earlier on this Memorial due to some serious jet leg. But man, does it feel good to be back on American soil. And good to be back in my own bed after 9-days teaching in Belgium & Germany. I’m going to go over to Fitness Quest 10 in a few minutes to get in an early-am workout before the sun rises—can’t wait to get back there also!

Today is Memorial Day!!! And what a very special day it is indeed. As a matter of fact, in today’s Dose of Durkin, I visited Miramar National Cemetery in honor of Memorial Day to pay my respects for ALL those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for FREEDOM.

In this short video I filmed in honor of Memorial Day, a few things happen:

1. I had a momentary lapse of emotion overwhelm me. It’s hard not to when you are at a cemetery. Let alone at a cemetery full of veterans and heroes.
2. I had a perfectly timed “fly-over” by an F-18 jet. I couldn’t have planned it any better. #GottaSeeIt

[youtube_sc url=” ” title=”Memorial%20Day”]

The WOW this week is FREEDOM.

Why freedom? Because there have been countless people all over the world who have died fighting for our FREEDOM. And by them doing so, we have LIFE.

Regardless of where you live, take time today to think, reflect, and be grateful for all those who have fought and died for us.

Why reflect & remember?
Sometimes our challenges, adversities, and obstacles in life seem like a daunting task. If today or any day you are down and out, feeling sorry for yourself, feeling bleak about your future, or you are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or loss (of any kind)…take some time TODAY to remember those who have gone before us.

As you sit down today to have your barbeques, or watch the NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Final (as I will be doing later with my son Luke) (MD vs Denver), or you get in a workout, or go on a hike, or train clients, or you are in tournament or playing a game…or you are just relaxing, please do just ONE thing today…

  • Take a few minutes out of your day to remember ALL of those who that have paid the ultimate sacrifice (their lives!) fighting for our FREEDOM so that we may live.

And regardless of where you live around the world, this is a great time to reflect on ALL soldiers who have died for yours and my freedom.

Thanks my friends. Happy Memorial Day. And have a great week!

Much love…and much FREEDOM!


P.S. If you liked today’s Dose of Durkin on Memorial Day, please feel inclined to share it with some family members and friends at your barbecues or on your Facebook.

And if they would like to sign up, there are 2 ways:

1. Text “TD” to 56955 and hit send (this only works if you are in the U.S.).
2. Go to and they can sign up to receive their Dose via email every Monday AM.


Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally-recognized performance trainer, bodyworker, speaker, author, and owner of award-winning gym Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA (one of the Top 10 Gyms in the U.S.). His outstanding team of 38 professionals deliver extraordinary service in personal training, sports performance training, massage/bodywork, Pilates, yoga, physical therapy and chiropractic. Todd is the Lead Training Advisor for Under Armour, regular contributor to Men’s Health, and author of The IMPACT! Body Plan.

Todd Durkin created a “DOSE of DURKIN” to motivate and inspire people through weekly text messages every Monday morning that infuse video, audio, or just plain text messages. They are guaranteed to get your mind right and fire-you up. Check out to OPT-IN and start receiving your FREE messages.

Todd is also the President/CEO of Todd Durkin Enterprises where he conducts motivational keynotes/presentations, educational & leadership workshops, he operates a Mastermind Group for dedicated fitness entrepreneurs, and he presents internationally on health, fitness, peak performance, and success in life.

You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @ToddDurkin, his FB Fan page at ToddDurkinFQ10, or sign up for his monthly motivational newsletter at You can get more information on his facility or

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