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Gut Check Time

I recently wrapped up one of my favorite events of the year, my 3.5 Day Mentorship. As the dust settles, I’ve been thinking about how mentoring has changed my life and my business. And more importantly, what it’s done for this fresh crop of mentorees.

This is a cool little snippet of an email I got from one of the attendees:

 “I did not know exactly what to expect from the mentorship but one thing that I did know and expected was that Todd and his team we’re going to put everything they had into making this opportunity a once in a lifetime experience, nothing short of world class. That was enough for me to make my decision to go and I couldn’t be more satisfied with what I went home with. It wasn’t about getting my money’s worth in “secrets” or “latest technology or research.” It was about digging deep and discovering myself as a trainer and as a man. Finding my direction and purpose and to lead by example. Those were the things I took back home with me. Now that is something worth investing your time in and that truly is priceless.” – Ryan Havner (Fresno, CA)

A few weeks ago my “W.O.W” (word of the week) was “GUT.” If you missed that email, I was talking about how over the years I’ve refined my “gut” as a business tool that has helped me make better decisions each and every year.

This year I listened to my “gut” on how I should tweak my Mentorship on several levels in order to create even more IMPACT. From how I delivered it, to what the topics were, the venue location, the guest presenters, and the inclusion of even more personal development. And man did it paid off.  I would venture to say it was the best mentorship of the 13 we’ve held.

What about you? Do you listen to your gut?

Is there anything that is calling you to act?

Maybe you have something that you’ve been dreaming about or a venture on the horizon that just needs to get done- and you need to listen to that “gut.”

I know for me, the mentorship has prompted me to already begin early strategic planning for a huge 2014. I find that I am in my most creative, innovative, and productive mode when I can step away and continue to work ON my business.

An essential part of me spending a lot of time in planning mode means listening to my GUT. And if you need some guidance on a “gut check” system, below is the exact methodology that I use when making a decision in my own life.

Here’s my “5-Point Gut Check” System:

1.    Is it going to be fun?

I believe fitness and the business of fitness is fun and you gotta do what you love, so speaking to the “fun” is #1 for me.

2.    Will I learn something new?

You know I’m a big believer in getting 1% better everyday. So, if a new venture makes my gut feel like I could be walking out of here with some new skills, it gets a check mark on my checklist.

3.    Does it have some long term potential for partnerships?

A lot of business nowadays is about who you know and how you can come together to further the mission. Some of my best business decisions and even ones I’ve pulled out of have been based on who I get to work with and what’s on the horizon for us.

4.    Does It Make Sense?

I want a good ROI, for sure, but it’s not what makes my soul sing nor is it what I run through first.

I always ask myself, does it make sense time-wise? Resource-wise? Finance-wise? Sanity and lifestyle-wise?

It’s not all about the money or the bottom line but rather how it aligns with my brand and where I’m going.  It’s gotta make sense.

5.    Will it Create Impact!?

You know me, if it’s not about IMPACT, I’m not going to do it. I’m always running the ideas, possibilities and opportunities that come my way through the grander vision of how it will effect the LEGACY I’m trying to create. If I believe that it’s going to add value to my PURPOSE, it shoots up my priority scale.

If an opportunity gets through my 5-Point Gut Check System, then I green light the decision and am able to look forward with a clear head.

While not a perfect scientific system, I find that when I run through these five things, I can usually make a pretty solid decision that aligns with who I am, what I do, and what I BELIEVE.

You are often going to be faced with decisions that look good on paper, but it is more important to look deeper than that and ask yourself, will it directly connect to your purpose?

So, if you have something going on in your business or life that needs a little ‘gut check,’ I hope this helps you go from thinking about it to TAKING ACTION!

Action drives us forward, and our gut ultimately tells us what action to take.

I know many of you are out there working on ideas and strategies and may be feeling a bit “stuck” and need to listen to your “gut.” I hope this checklist is exactly what you need to TAKE ACTION!

Much love,


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