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How We Become Toxic (Overly Acidic)

by Linn Holland

It is important to know how our body actually becomes Toxic. Below is a list of the 8 most common causes of toxic build-up in the human body. This information, once you apply it, can be a huge help in keeping you on a healthy path in life. Learn these basics and apply them to your every day life by making the right choice. Remember, when your body becomes more alkaline your energy level increases dramatically.

Constipation– the colon is your body’s sewage system. If the sewage system backs up, toxins become trapped in your colon. Chronic constipation means these toxins are fermenting and decaying in the colon, Re-absorbing into the bloodstream, polluting our tissues and cells.

Poor Diet– poor diet includes dead, cooked, devitalized, clogging, low fiber foods, fried foods, junk foods, over-processed foods etc. As a modern society, we have drifted further and further away from eating raw, organic good for you fruits, vegetables and whole grains high in natural fiber, nutrients and enzymes.

Over-Consumption- overeating puts a tremendous amount of stress on our digestion system. Most people eat too much food, too fast. Foods are not properly broken down and lodge in the lower intestines. Vital nutrients are NOT absorbed.

Lack of Water- water makes up 65% to 75% of the human body. It is second only to oxygen in order of importance to sustain life. Water cleanses the inside of the body as well as the outside.

Stress- stress affects every cell and tissue in the human body. Stress breaks down the immune system as well as all of the major organs. Stress is TOXIC to our bodies.

Antibiotics- antibiotics, despite their benefits in fighting certain bacterial infections, have a damaging effect on the intestines. Their
prescribed purpose is to eliminate unhealthy bacteria in the body; bacteria that causes illness. Unfortunately it not only eliminates the bad bacteria but the good bacteria as well.

Lack of Exercise- exercise strengthens our entire bodies. It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, building muscles, nerves, blood, glands, lungs, heart, brain, mind and mood.

Eating Late at Night– the human body uses sleep to repair, rebuild and restore itself. In essence, our bodies use the sleeping hours to cleanse and detoxify, and to build strength and immunity.

How Do I know If I am overly Acidic?

In 1921, Hasker Kritzer, MD offered a list of nine symptoms of acidosis. These symptoms are so mild and so commonplace that’s its hard to think of them as legitimate symptoms. They don’t hurt or interfere with the days activities. They may appear to be more personality traits than symptoms. In fact, you may recognize these symptoms in your family members, friends, spouse, children, or even yourself. Here is the summary of Dr. Kritzer’s 75 year old observations:

  • Exaggerated sense of well being: belief that he/she is perfectly healthy
  • Overly ambitious – very restless
  • Increasingly irritable and ill tempered – disagreeable to family and friends
  • Difficulty to please – fault finder
  • Pessimist – sees on the down side of every situation
  • Restless sleeper
  • Wakes up tired in the morning – needs coffee and perhaps a cigarette to start the day
  • Becomes increasingly fatigued – physical symptoms begins to appear.
  • Begins to have muscle weakness or cramps

Four tests to know if you are acidic:

Fist test- First thing in the morning make a fist. If you feel a weak grip, then this is over acid build up from the night

Sniff test- Ammonia present in the urine. Strong acid urine can burn the kidneys, so the body makes ammonia to neutralize acids. It has a pH of 9.5. That is a strong alkali for the body. When the fluid in the kidneys is too acid, 4.5 pH, then the kidneys produce alkaline ammonia. The ammonia mixes with the acid fluid and the acid is neutralized or buffered and the pH of the fluid in the kidneys goes up and becomes more alkaline.

Stiff test- You find it Hard to get going in the morning, stiff and achy. It seems to get better as the as the day goes on.

PH Testing- Testing the pH level of your urine and/or saliva at home offers a quick and inexpensive indication of your body’s mineral reserves. The results will help guide you with the meal, juice and greens that you need to alkalize your body.


Linn Holland is a graduate of the School of Healing Arts in San Diego, where he completed his 1000 hour Holistic Health Practitioner certification program. He is a nationally certified massage therapist, through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, and has been practicing for over 10 years. During this time, Linn has completed several other specialized programs, including a 250-hour Applied Kinesiology certification and a 200-hour Rolfing and Postural Therapy internship. He integrates various other modalities into his work, such as: relaxation, stretching, emotional healing, thought field therapy, and nutritional consulting. Linn’s passion is sharing with others what he has learned in order to help them become the best that they can be. Linn conributes monthly to the award-winning “TD Times” newsletter. If you would like to sign up, you can do so by visiting or

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