The Blog

The Blog

I must admit this…

I love CREATING podcasts. It’s one of the most enjoyable things I do these days. Between conversations with some of the most amazing people on the planet to creating content that I believe will positively IMPACT people, I must admit that I also love the feedback I get from you and the loyal listeners of the TD IMPACT Show. Thank you!

To me, “creating content” keeps my juices flowing. Whether it be CREATING articles, blogs, social media posts, or podcast episodes, I realize that now more than ever, you have to keep your “juices flowing.” #W.I.T.

And today’s podcast episode should do precisely that for you. It’s one of the most fascinating interviews with a woman who has created quite a niche in the fitness/sports performance field and in the world of pro athletics.

Her name is Dana Santas, and she’s known as the “MobilityMaker.” She has worked with some of the world’s best athletes in MLB, NFL, NHL, and the WWE. And you all know how much I love the WWE. Yes, I admit this as well in the episode! 🙂

But what makes this episode truly unique is Dana bares her soul and shares her incredible story with us. She grew up poor, living in an attic in upstate NY with dust-mites in her bed, mothered a child while in high school, and ultimately went on to get a college degree from the prestigious Tufts University.

Since then, Dana has positively impacted thousands of pro and elite athletes and is now an author, speaker, and one amazing woman creating massive IMPACT.

It is a MUST-LISTEN to episode. Tune-In now and enjoy the show.

Without further ado, today’s episode called, “Meet the Mobility Maker”:

Remember, if you enjoy, please be sure to take a picture of the episode and tag us on your social media (#ToddDurkin #IMPACTShow @ToddDurkin @mobilitymaker).

Thank you again for listening in and all your comments. I know they keep my juices flowing. I hope these get your juices going also!

Much love… and LOTS OF JUICE!!!


P.S. Need some “Extra” Juice in the Tank?! I would LOVE to help YOU!!!

If you need some deep-seated, long-lasting “juice,” that’s where coaching comes in. If you want to go deep on your DREAMS, purpose, and mission, and you want a 2-month high-level coaching program where I can personally hold your hand and squeeze every bit out of juice out of you, I would LOVE that opportunity.

It’s called my “Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching” program, and it’s a combination of personal growth & life coaching combined with business and leadership coaching. It’s a full-fledged, high-touch point 60-day coaching program designed for you to go into 2021 with MORE juice than you’ve tasted in a LONG time.

It all starts on October 18th. Sign-up today. There are only 12 spots. Three of those spots are gone, and we just announced the program this week. It will sell out!

If you are someone who seeks your highest potential and wants to create the most IMPACT in your life, this “IMPACT Coaching” program is for you. There is no specific level of “success” required, but I am looking for people who WILL…

  • Take responsibility to DO THE WORK necessary to make the changes desired.
  • Want to Play BIG and make HUGE IMPACT!!!

If this is you, apply and sign-up today. Click the link and take ACTION.

There is no time like the NOW. There is no waiting until “COVID is over,” or the “election is over” or the “year is over.” No, that’s NOT the mentality of someone who I want to coach.

I want to work with people who are READY NOW and want to MAKE CHANGE in their career, business, or life NOW. If that’s you, TAKE ACTION TODAY!!!

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