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IMPACT Corner April 2012

Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages ( and on our Twitter feed ( this past week. I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets.

If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question. I will do my best to get to them!


Hey Todd, I’ve started working out again last september. I was 385. I got down to 292 by the time I hit February of 2012. But I recently took a break from everything (Work, School, & Physical Fitness) due to workaholic overload. And I gain some weight back. But not too much. I’m trying to get myself back into the swing of working out. But I’m having a bit of a problem trying to motivate myself to do it. I keep saying “I’m gonna start today or tomorrow or next week but i keep procrastinating. How can I get myself motivated again to get back in and train?


GET STARTED again and no more excuses. Getting started is often the hardest part but you just have to do it. Motivation plays a big factor in anyone’s success. Create great music playlists, do your workouts early in the am (I like doing mine at 5:30 am), hire a coach, and dial in your nutrition.

Ah, yes, your nutrition. You can NOT out-train a bad diet. So get back to eating 5-6 times a day, every 3-4 hours. You can always read my book, The IMPACT! Body Plan, for my complete nutrition plan. But get going and get motivated. Train hard. Eat right. LIVE INSPIRED!


How does strengthening your fascia have anything to do with fixing the common maladies a person may have while achieving their fitness goals…(i.e back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, tendinitis )


Fascia is the one most often over-looked system that is critical to address when it comes to preventing pain and optimizing performance. It is a critical missing element to unleashing one’s full potential.

Fascia is a specialized system of the body (connective tissue) which plays an important role in the support of our bodies. Fascia is a very dense connective tissue which envelops every muscle, bone, nerve, artery, and vein as well as all of our internal organs including the heart, lungs, brain, and spinal cord. It is an intricate, 3-D web that supports your organs and joints from head to toe and acts as a shock absorber to the body. The fascial system is actually one structure that exists from head to toe without interruption.

And since the body is the most amazing machine ever designed, it is the reason why there are so many compensatory actions when fascia gets bound up, constricted, or restricted. That is why when an injury or pain exists, there are often surrounding joints and muscles that being to hurt also. The body is smart and it’s trying to compensate.

Therefore, the next generation of trainer, massage therapist, bodyworker, or allied health care professional, recognizes the importance of working with one’s fascia and teaches way to address it.

First, foam rolling is a great way to address fascia (I most often use the Grid as I feel it’s the best). 5-10 minutes prior to a workout and repeated again in the evening for 10 minutes before bed goes a long way in “preventative” measures. If there is a specific issue going on, more time would need to be dedicated. I concentrate on the IT Band, hips/glutes, quads, calves, mid-thoracic, and lats. I also like to roll the bottom of my foot (plantar aponeurosis) on a ball (tennis, golf, or baseball) to lengthen the thick band of fascia found on the bottom of the foot.

Second, a proper dynamic warm-up is essential. To specifically elevate core temperature, warm-up the connective tissue, and adequately prepare the body for movement, 10-15 minutes should be dedicated to this component of the workout. Examples of the dynamic warm-up include jumping jacks, pogo hops, gate swings, rolling hamstring stretches, and inchworms.

And lastly, hands-on manual stretching or bodywork is a great way to specifically address fascia. I like to spend about 10 minutes after a session focusing on lengthening fascia and concentrating on flexibility. A 30-60 minute session with a skilled practitioner of Rolfing, A.R.T., or other form of soft-tissue release does wonders to help alleviate common modalities often faced by the general population also.

By addressing fascia and keeping your body’s soft-tissue pliable, mobile, and flexible, you will optimally prevent pain and give yourself the best opportunity to perform.


Hey Todd, I have a quick question. I play a lot of dodgeball and am always the worst player on the team. I was wondering if you have a workout routine on how to get better at it (pushups, squats, sprints, etc.).


Man, I love this question. Thanks for asking. I love “old-school” games like dodgeball. It’s too bad it’s outlawed now in many schools. As a matter of fact, I just had a great game of another “old-school” game (man-hunt) in the neighborhood over Easter break and it was a blast. Dodgeball and man-hunt are great games for running, sprinting, jumping, strategy, overall conditioning, and just good ole FUN. So I digress.

Hey, when it comes to dodgeball, you need to be great at several things: throwing, catching, and avoiding get hit by a ball flying at your face! Therefore, your training routine should consist of several different components:

I. Strength & Power
II. Agility (Don’t get hit!)
III. Manipulative skills (throwing & catching)

I always say that “you are as strong as your weakest link.” What are you NOT great at in the game? Is it throwing? Is it catching? Is it not getting hit? Or is it all of the above (hopefully it’s not all of them!)?

Train all 3 components but be sure to work on the specific skills you are not great at. Obviously, strength & power are going to be foundational and you need to work your entire body. I like keeping it circuit style to maximally keep up your conditioning.

Keep me posted on your progress. The bottom line is that you are training with a purpose and having fun playing the game. Keep working to get better and don’t forget, “DUCK!!!!”

P.S. If you want a specific training program, get my book and it will undoubtedly help you get stronger, faster, more explosive, and ultimately help your manipulative skills also. 1% Better Everyday!!!

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