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The Blog

Meet the 4 Doctors of Healthy Living

Who loves the idea of feeling even more positive, energized, vibrant, and healthy? Who loves the idea of NOT having the need to go see the doctor for a long time? Who likes getting kisses on your leg from an 11-lb terrier-chihuahua mutt while recording a podcast? Yep, all of this and more on today’s IMPACT SHOW podcast that’s one for the ages.

Today, I am speaking with Dr. Carleigh Golightly, Fitness Quest 10’s in-house Naturopathic doctor, about the concept of “The 4 Doctors.” This concept is built around Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Movement & Dr. Happiness and having these 4 foundations (“doctors”) solidly in place, will keep your energy thriving, your mind clear, and your health vibrant and optimal.

We are going to talk about eating for your body type, the controversy of gluten, avoiding processed foods, and the benefits of rest and relaxation on your mind and body. We also talk about my favorite topic movement and getting “movement snacks” throughout the day, as well as how aligning your purpose and intentions with your core values will bring you ultimate happiness & fulfillment.

Today’s episode will be the jolt you need to remember you have the power to act healthy, live healthy, and be healthy. If you find value in today’s IMPACT Show, please share it. This helps fulfill the mission to spread positive IMPACT worldwide and make this world a better place to be. Thank you!

Follow & tag me on social media:
IG: @ToddDurkin 
Twitter: @ToddDurkin
FB: @ToddDurkinFQ10  

Connect with Dr. Carleigh Golightly:
IG:  @dr.carleighgolightly

More on the Episode:

(2:08) Todd introduces Dr. Carleigh Golightly

(3:36)  The Concept of the 4 Doctors by Paul Chek.

(4:39)  Dr. Diet – Eating for your body type and the effects of inflammatory foods.  

(11:39)  Dr. Quiet – The positive physical and mental effects relaxation and rest have on your body and mind. 

(16:17)  Dr. Movement – The benefits of movement throughout the day – “movement snacks.”

(19:04)  Dr. Happiness – The positive benefits of living intentionally in alignment with your purpose and core values. 

Mentioned In This Episode:

Noteworthy Quotes from this Episode:

“Discover your purpose based on taking actions on what you do like, what you don’t like; what you do enjoy, what you don’t enjoy; what you find fulfilling and what you don’t find fulfilling. ” ~ Todd Durkin 

“Tap into your whispers” ~ Todd Durkin

 Please keep your questions coming so I can highlight you on the podcast!! 

If you have a burning question and want to be featured on the IMPACT show, go to, fill out the form, and submit your questions! 

Don’t forget that if you want more keys to unlock your potential and propel your success, you can order my book GET YOUR MIND RIGHT at or anywhere books are sold.

Get Your Mind Right now available on AUDIO:

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