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My Top 7 Highlights from Retreat

You have heard me say there is nothing like the power of “BEING IN THE ROOM.”

Well, I just wrapped up a 2.5 Day Retreat here in San Diego that I themed, “Think. Dream. Do. Creating a World that Doesn’t Yet Exist.”

The retreat combined members of 3 of my different coaching groups (The TD Mastermind for Fit-Pros; IMPACT-X for high-performers; the new TD IMPACT Life-Coaching Certification participants).


Great group of IMPACT-Makers at the Retreat

The intention of the IMPACT RETREAT was to step away from the craziness and busy-ness of life and business and…

  1. THINK big. THINK deeply. THINK strategically. And be around other great THINKERS. It’s contagious.
  2. DREAM big. Dream the “impossible.” And be around great “dreamers” who are committed to doing the work necessary to make things happen.
  3. DO THE WORK. You can think and dream all you want. You ultimately need to DO THE WORK necessary to make your dreams come true.

It was an action-packed few days that was filled with keynotes, talks, panels, writing time, workouts, socials, hot-seats, pair-shares, and a whole heckuva lotta coaching. And that was my favorite part.

There’s nothing like carving out a few days to COACH other passionate souls who are committed to getting better…and are committed to stepping into their destiny and dreams…and ultimately creating a world that does not YET exist.




Keynotes, Panels, Writing Time, Workouts…and a Whole Heckuva Lotta Coaching

Here are my Top 7 of my Highlights from the extraordinary weekend:

1. Brett Klika’s Keynote. I’m not sure you know Brett’s story but he and I have been working and coaching together for 22-years. Yep. And he has one heckuva story that I’ll be featuring on an upcoming podcast. And as much as I loved hearing Brett deliver a riveting talk on “intentional imbalance” and business and the resilience needed to endure in life….it really was having his 10-year old daughter Maddie in the house to “help” him deliver the talk and watching her locked-in to her father share his heart & soul. #Incredible


Brett Klika and his 10-year old daughter Maddie Klika received a standing-ovation after a riveting talk

2. TD Mastermind Trainer of the Year. Amber Kivett. I first met her at a Perform Better Show in Chicago over a decade ago. She’s been an incredible teammate to her “TD Team 3” for years. She started her Kivett Magik System and now has an eclectic blend of hands-on healing techniques to help people out of pain and restore hope. She is considered one of the world’s top experts in health, wellness, fitness, and bio-hacking. She is an award-winning global presenter recognized by multiple magazines and media sources including Forbes, Pop Sugar, Prevention, Natural Awakenings, LiveStrong, Healthline, and People. She has received multiple endorsements from celebrities, world-class coaches, elite athletes, and the general population globally for her work specializing in therapies that provide INSTANT pain relief. Clients travel near and far and fly in to “Experience the MAGIK” from Amber’s gift of INSTANT pain relief in just 1-3 visits. Amber has an incredible story and her servant-heart and giving-attitude has stood out. Congratulations Amber and you can learn more about her at:


Congratulations Amber Kivett

2023 Todd Durkin Mastermind Fit-Pro of the Year

3. Panels. Our attendees always like getting lots of insights and ideas from other thought-leaders. We had 3 different panels on “What’s Working…What’s Not” and our Coaches Panel on “Think. Dream. Do.” Absolute brilliance in every one!


Absolute Brilliance in the Panels!

4. Workouts. What would a retreat be without some epic workouts. Every day. Fitness Quest 10. The beach. Yoga. Body. Mind. Soul. Ahhhhh….



Every Retreat Must Address Body, Mind, & Soul

5. The Larry Indiviglia “Foxhole Award”…

Larry has been my side in the “foxhole” for over 15-years. I’ve known him for over 20-years. He’s one of those guys where I do better work when he’s in the “foxhole” with me. We all have/need those people.

The 1st Annual Larry Indiviglia “Foxhole Award” goes to Matt Espeut. Matt is the owner of FitBody Bootcamp (Providence, RI) and consistently shows-up, delivers value, has your “back” and is someone you want around you in the best and worst of times. Congratulations Matt on this extremely meaningful award!


Congratulations Matt Espeut

Larry Indiviglia “Foxhole Award” Recipient

6. “0-11-1; A Soulful Attorney Provides Life & Business Wisdom” by Dave Seitter.

Incredible wisdom in this keynote by “IMPACT-X” member Dave Seitter. He brought 40-years of experience as an attorney, author, and coach to talk about topics relating to “the retirement trick,” “the life-cycle of business,” “selling your business,” and the “pickle jar” relating to asking 20-people who know you well about what makes you different and unique.


Dave Seitter dropped an Amazing Talk on “0-11-1; A Soulful Attorney Provides Life & Business Wisdom.”

** Listen to a recent podcast episode where I was a guest on his “Show Me The Way” podcast. Here is the link: LINK

7. CONNECTION. There’s nothing better than the PEOPLE in our community. Every single one of them. There’s just something so special about “thinking, dreaming, and doing work” with people who you know are passionate, hard-working, soulful people who care to the utmost degree about doing good work… and creating IMPACT.

That me puts a smile on my face.



Bottom line is that it’s mandatory to take some “time-out” a few times a year to work “ON” you and your business. And whether that’s a retreat or working on the “God-Sized Dreams Planner” to get quality strategic time, GET IT IN.

My heart is full. My soul is smiling. And I love that we have close to 100-people going back to their respective businesses, gym, homes, and families with big smiles on their faces…and a full-tank of ENERGY to do the WORK to eventually create a world that doesn’t yet exist.

Much love…and lots of thinking, dreaming, and DOING!


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