Napoleon Complex. How much is enough?
As I write this, my 1RM on the deadlift is 385 lbs (stop snickering). My 3RM on weighted pull-ups is bodyweight plus 105 lbs. I would say my pull-up numbers are respectable, the deadlift numbers, not so much. I’m hoping a couple months of Jim Wendler’s “5/3/1 training program” will help. My goal? I would […]
Create Your Successful Mindset
Justin Russ, CPT I was having a conversation with one of the Fitness Quest 10 athletes the other day and one part in particular stood out to me. He looked me and my colleagues in the eyes and said, “This is why I train the way I do. This is why I become a demon […]
Justins Russ’ Update on Interning at FQ10
By: Intern Justin Russ Over the course of the past several weeks, I can say with complete confidence that this internship has been a truly remarkable experience. Highlights to date include: playing catch with Drew Brees (and being so star-struck that I dropped a pass from 5 yards away), meeting TRX creator Randy Hetrick, competing […]
A Typical Day Interning at Fitness Quest 10
By: Intern Charleston Today we started with Quest 10 kids in the lower facility. These kids are a lot of fun and they are definitely a good group of kids that need to be encouraged and supported. Coach Jeff King does an excellent job with this camp by giving the kids something to be […]
Lessons From a Triathlete
-Cara Regas I recently returned from a whirlwind of traveling… two trips to Hawaii for relatives’ weddings in three weeks! It was awesome to be constantly outdoors: playing, working out and enjoying the islands. While I was there, I got the opportunity to speak to a local triathlete (we will call her Ann). Ann lives […]
Servant-Leadership For Female Youth
By: Chelsea Ellwood, BS Applied Exercise Science Hello Parents, Let me start by saying how fortunate I am that the youth female athletes I train, typically make up the most responsible and high-achieving percentage of their population. The attitudes of these young women not only make coaching relatively easy, but also allow me to learn […]
Do Your Clients “Work Hard?”
Brett Klika C.S.C.S. “Raise your hand if you ever get frustrated with your clients lack of willingness to “work hard.” This is a question I often ask when I’m speaking to groups of fitness professionals across the nation and around the world. As nearly everyone in attendance fervently hoists their hand in the air, it’s […]
Refuse To Fail
Just two weeks ago, someone asked me (for the umpteenth time) if I ever get mad. I responded to the question in my opening letter for our Fitness Quest 10 Insider telling about a particularly chaotic evening when our three young children clearly outnumbered me, and my wife, Melanie. I was totally frustrated that night. […]
The Top 10 Steps to Set and Achieve Your Goals – Every Time!
by Dr. Philip E. Humbert It’s been said that everyone has goals, whether we know it or not. We have goals to keep our current job, or to get a different one. We have goals to save for the future, or to travel, take a vacation, or purchase the things we need and want to […]
The Summer Sloth Syndrome
Brett Klika C.S.C.S. For many youngsters, summer is a time for “free time.” No school, homework, or daily structure. It’s truly time to “be a kid.” Ah, the carefree days of being a kid… doing mom’s list of chores, playing every ball (real and made up) game with the neighbor kids, riding bikes, and getting […]