The Windshield Is Bigger than the Rearview Mirror

Are you stuck in a rut? Do you need a kick in the backside to get your tail back in gear again? I believe one of the most important things you can do right now is LOOK FORWARD and obsess on where you are going and not where you were. Today, I’m joined by two […]

Are You Living with PASSION?

Are You Living with Passion? Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I delivered the keynote speech this past Sunday (March 29th) at Bedros Keullian’s Fitness Business Summit in Irvine, CA, and killed it. And because I had my 10-year old son Brady with me, I seized the opportunity and brought him up on stage for a few […]

How to Save Time & Energy and Increase Productivity

Stop. Start. Continue. How to Save Time & Energy and Increase Productivity By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Hey, if you’re a high-performer, you are always looking for “simple” little exercises to boost your  time, energy, and productivity. Well, last week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of senior level management executives at […]

My top secret to success in business

One of my mentors in life and business is Wayne Cotton. Wayne has taught me many valuable lessons in our 15-year friendship. One of the most important is how to organize and plan my time to create maximum results for time freedom and money freedom. Many years ago, Wayne taught me to color-code my calendar […]

3 Ways to LEAD your Business to GREAT Success

By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS One of the questions I often hear pertains to “How do you find great trainers, build a staff, and keep them?” It’s a great topic and one that I feel is vitally important for the growth of any organization. Here are 3 ways you can build and lead your training […]

100 Ways to Create WOW

100 WAYS TO CREATE WOW By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS As another year goes in the books, it’s time to move forward with passion, energy and excitement into a BRAND NEW YEAR!  And if you’re hoping to create something “bigger and better” than ever before, I have some great tips (actually 100!) for you.  Any […]

90 Day Wonder

By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. People often ask me the question, “How do you get done all that you get done in a day?”  My answer is actually a fairly simple one.  I have been disciplined about doing a series of exercises that have helped me stay laser-focused on my personal and professional development.  And […]