The #1 Reason Why Trainers FAIL!

Let’s assume you are a great trainer. You are full of passion. You are full of energy and enthusiasm. You study training, read the latest information, journals, blogs, books, watch DVD’s and do everything you can to get better. Heck, you may even attend 2-3 live conferences per year to keep your passion burning, your […]

Gut Check Time

I recently wrapped up one of my favorite events of the year, my 3.5 Day Mentorship. As the dust settles, I’ve been thinking about how mentoring has changed my life and my business. And more importantly, what it’s done for this fresh crop of mentorees. This is a cool little snippet of an email I […]

What does your GUT say?

Every week for the past 2 years I have a “W.O.W.” (Word of the Week) that I focus on. It’s a word that is typically resonating deep within me. This week, my WOW is “GUT.” Think about your GUT. You know that feeling that just tells you when things just feel right…or wrong. That “thing” […]

Are you TRULY listening?

Are you TRULY listening? By: Lindsey Richardson, Director of Marketing, Fitness Quest 10 I have been contemplating the art of truly listening lately. I used to consider myself a “good listener,” if I had a profile it would say “I love to listen.” But, here is the catch, I also love to talk. As technology […]

3 Ways to LEAD your Business to GREAT Success

By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS One of the questions I often hear pertains to “How do you find great trainers, build a staff, and keep them?” It’s a great topic and one that I feel is vitally important for the growth of any organization. Here are 3 ways you can build and lead your training […]

100 Ways to Create WOW

100 WAYS TO CREATE WOW By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS As another year goes in the books, it’s time to move forward with passion, energy and excitement into a BRAND NEW YEAR!  And if you’re hoping to create something “bigger and better” than ever before, I have some great tips (actually 100!) for you.  Any […]