7 Lessons Football Has Taught Me About Life

Today we are talking about something I love–football. Regardless of whether you like football, sports, or not, football has taught me many valuable lessons. Enjoy this light-hearted, fun, and spittin-fire episode and I’m confident it will give the extra Mojo we all are searching for. I’ll share the 7 top lessons I’ve learned and practiced […]

Mindset of a Champion – Dose of Durkin

I just wrapped one of the busiest times of my year. June and July are crazy because I’m prepping my NFL athletes for training camp and the upcoming football season. And I LOVE IT!!! The guys all departed for Training Camp within the last few days and the groundwork has been laid for what should […]

It Is All About Choices

Have you ever stopped to think about what got YOU to where you are today? Whether you “like” where you’re at or not, you are a collection of your choices, experiences, happenings, and events. And you’re a product of the people/teachers/coaches/bosses/mentors who have influenced you in your lifetime. If you “like” where you are at […]

Happy Mother’s Day… 8 Reasons Why I Love My Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day… 8 Reasons Why I Love My Mom! “There’s a story behind everyone… and behind your story is always your mother’s story… because hers is where yours begins.” –Mitch Albom Mom. What a sweet word. It conjures up such sweet thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Mother’s Day is this Sunday (May 11th) and I […]

My Fitness Journey: Jeff King

I am a trainer. I am a person who loves to workout and inspire people to reach their health and fitness goals. I am a person who is aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I am a father who wants to inspire my daughter to live a lifestyle where physical, mental, […]

My Fitness Journey: Ryan Rogers

I have always loved sports growing up. From a very early age, I was very active and enjoyed trying as many different sports and activities as I could. I played soccer, baseball, and flag and tackle football in grade school. In junior high I would ride my bike all over and try to jump over […]


Labor Day weekend. For many reasons, I always love this weekend. But there is one reason that really stands out. Let me share. You may have heard me tell this story because I have told it every Labor Day weekend for the past 25 years. It was Labor Day weekend in the Fall of 1988 at […]

My Fitness Journey: By Joe Rote

My Fitness Journey By: Joe Rote Growing up, sports were always a huge part of my life. As a kid, I was always outside playing or participating in some sort of recreational league. My love of sports continued throughout my childhood and into high school where I participated in Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Being a […]


LaDainian Tomlinson–ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER PLAY THE GAME Today is a bitter-sweet day. I feel nostalgic. I feel sad. I feel proud. It’s a day I knew was coming but never really wanted to acknowledge. Today, LaDainian Tomlinson retired from the NFL. To me, LT was much more than just a football player. […]