A Battle for Mental Health by a Heroic Cop

My heart is stirring, my soul is yearning to go deeper and deeper. And today’s podcast is as IMPACTFUL as they come. It’s with a police officer who has one heck of a story and he talks openly and candidly about his battle with his mental health, brushes with suicidal thoughts, and how he has […]

Honor the Battle…Hero Series Wrap up with TD

Big week. Not only is it my birthday week and IHRSA Show in San Diego, but I’m also wrapping up my “Hero Series” this week as well. Can all my heroes stand up and make some noise, please?! It has been an absolute blast sharing and talking to some extraordinary souls over the past few […]

TD Spittin’ Fire – A Motivational Mosaic to Get Your Mind Right

Y’all have been asking for some more spittin’ fires…so here we GOOO!!! I was gifted a very special art-piece/“mosaic” recently that has a ton of my motivational “mantras” on it. The mosaic is from a woman who recently opened her own gym (Tricia Hoyt, Journey 333, Londonderry, NH) and attributed a ton of her vision […]

Pump & Pray

I love getting pumped up. I love praying. And I love speaking. Today, you get all three. Literally. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s a keynote, motivational talk, leadership event, or a chapel service… I just love sharing from the heart. And if the audience includes a bunch of young kids and I get […]

PUMP & PRAY – A Special Message to Help Save Kids

Kids are struggling today. Not all of them, but a lot of them. And I hate it. Do you feel me on this? Heck, mental health is affecting ALL of us. But we can’t afford to keep losing kids. We are in a battle and we gotta fight like mad to get their minds right, their […]

Lessons, Wisdom, Thoughts on Success, and Getting Out of a Depression

I love when our podcast listeners send in their questions and ask me some DEEP ones. And that’s exactly what we have here today. I received five diverse and power-packed questions that deal with topics such as my favorite college lessons and memories, the advice I would give to my 18-year-old self, how I define […]

Building an Influential & Impactful Personal Brand

Are you looking to create more influence and impact in the world? Are you looking to amplify your personal brand? Today, I have one of the top “brand-builders” in the world on the IMPACT Show. He’s behind some of the largest personal brands in the world, including Eric Thomas (“ET The Hip-Hop Preacher”), Ed Mylett, […]

The REINVENTION Series…It’s About to Get Deep

Impact Summit

WOAH. You are about to receive the DEEPEST series to date in the Todd Durkin IMPACT SHOW podcast history. With almost five years of podcasting and over 300 episodes, these upcoming episodes will be as deep as it gets. WHY? I’m in the midst of a reinvention, rebrand, and re-ignition of inspiration myself. And it’s […]