Why Wait? Create Your BEST Year Now!

Happy New Year! Who else is excited for 2023? So many reasons to be pumped up for the start of the New Year. As a matter of fact, I got so pumped up at the beginning of today’s show that I caused a little power outage. All good. Nothing the “dream team” couldn’t handle. ENJOY!! […]

Are You Living with PASSION?

Are You Living with Passion? Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I delivered the keynote speech this past Sunday (March 29th) at Bedros Keullian’s Fitness Business Summit in Irvine, CA, and killed it. And because I had my 10-year old son Brady with me, I seized the opportunity and brought him up on stage for a few […]

Why Do You Work?

Have you ever thought about WHY YOU WORK? Seriously. Have you thought about that question and answered why you grind tirelessly day-after-day to do what you do? Let me explain. Last week, I asked every attendee in my “TD Fitness Classes” to write down a question that they would like me to address in a […]

What’s going to “DIE” before you have new “LIFE”?

I celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday in mass at our local Catholic Church, St. Gregory the Great. Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, as it’s often referred to, brings back some very vivid memories of being a kid and having to sit through the longest mass of the year. As a kid, I used to dread this […]

Mastermind Member In The Spotlight: Daniel Yakupka

Name: Daniel Yakupka Location (City/State): Alexandria, Virginia Your Role/Title: Owner of Fit 4 life Fitness & Performance Hobbies/activities/interests: I am ex basketball player. Even in my 43 years of age, I am still chasing all of the 20 year olds on the basketball court. Todd always mentions that leaders read a lot, and I also […]

Gut Check Time

I recently wrapped up one of my favorite events of the year, my 3.5 Day Mentorship. As the dust settles, I’ve been thinking about how mentoring has changed my life and my business. And more importantly, what it’s done for this fresh crop of mentorees. This is a cool little snippet of an email I […]