Top Must-Do Nutrition Hacks with Robert Yang
Making his return on the IMPACT SHOW today is a world-renowned nutrition expert and good friend, Robert Yang. This episode is EPIC…I reached out to my podcast and Instagram listeners and asked for your top nutrition questions to ask Robert. We had over 50 questions come through on supplementation, sports nutrition, weight loss & weight […]
Is Intermittent Fasting Good for You? | IMPACT Q&A with Robert Yang
What’s up my fire-breathing dragon friends? It seems like you can never get enough sound NUTRITION advice so I brought back my good friend and expert nutritionist, Robert Yang. In this episode, Robert discusses intermittent fasting, fasted cardio, TOP foods to eat for your health, energy, and vitality, and the 3 best nutrition tips when […]
Guts, Hormones, Gluten..& Coffee with Robert Yang
Who’s ready to amp-up their energy, focus, and nutrition with this episode? When it comes to nutrition, there is so much conflicting information out there. Bottom line is that everything you eat causes a chemical reaction that positively or negatively affects your physical and mental state. Therefore, I went to a world-renowned nutrition expert Robert […]