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Top 5 Tips to Help Kids Succeed in Sport Today | IMPACT Q&A

The world needs more great coaches on all levels and our youth sport world today is an entirely different ball game than it was back in my day– both for the kids and for the coaches.

On today’s episode, Lori Sawyer asks my thoughts on today’s youth sport culture and how it compares to when I was a kid. Truth be told, it’s a different era now. The pressure to succeed is at an all-time high for kids, recruiting is a different ball game, clubs are a huge part of many sports now, combines are everywhere, and many parents are running bonkers trying to make little Mary or Johnny the next star athlete.

Listen in to today’s podcast to get my take on it all from a parent, coach, and trainer’s perspective…and see what I have to say about helping a kid out to be successful.

More on the Episode:

Question from Lori Sawyer; Middletown, NJ; Clean Cut Fitness & Nutrition

“Todd, what are your thoughts on today’s youth sports vs. youth sports when we grew up? Having 3 boys, being all in with them and running a business that focuses on moms ages 35-50, I see it all. I see the hard core “crazies,” I see the parents pushing kids over the limit, I see amazing balance, I see victory and heartbreak in travel sports and also love in recreation sports. High School combines, rankings, showcases. These are all very real. I see kids driving over an hour to a different high school in hopes to be recruited. There are also parents spending thousands upon thousands of dollars traveling all summer to these showcases for exposure.
I would love to hear how you felt about the “new youth sports” vs. the old and how you handle it with your kids.”

IG: @cleancutfitnutrition

1:09- Thoughts On Today’s Youth Sports
It’s a whole new world now…

4:00- Recruiting Today
VHS tapes are long gone!

6:41- Specialization At A Young Age

9:10- A New Game With Today’s Technology

10:07- 5 Tips On How To Help Kids Today 
Teach them to focus on the process, let them fail & make mistakes, dial UP your affirmations and motivations, love them… & more.

18:32- WHO Are The GREAT Coaches In Your Area?
Become one. Empower the spirit within your kid!

19:28- Focus On What Is Going Right
We need more positivity in youth sport. Don’t coach in FEAR.

20:00- Kids Need Specific, Corrective, & Instructive Feedback

21:04- For The Kids: What Do You Love To Do?

26:10- For The Coaches: Be A Coach.
Are you getting them BETTER?

26:44- For The Parents: Love Your Kid Unconditionally.
Nothing is more important than that Mom hat & Dad hat.

27:57- The World Needs More Great Coaches On All Levels

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Todd Durkin ONLINE MENTORSHIP for Trainers, Coaches, and Fit-Pros

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