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5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back NOW!

Does anyone out there need to get their mojo back?

I thought so!

90% of the people I speak with miss the energy, rhythm, and mojo they desire these days.

I have three ways today to help you with that:

1. LISTEN to today’s IMPACT podcast episode called “STRUGGLING or SOARING—5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back.”

The episode is all about getting your mind right and using strategies to help you think clearly and positively. Todd discusses the power of self-talk and language to improve your vibration and vitality to attract what you desire and allow you to operate in a higher stratosphere. By including these strategies and words into your everyday vernacular, you will help your business, relationships, and mindset even further prosper.

Additionally, Todd talks about God-Sized Dreams and how your “G.S.D.” should give you turbo-fuel to amplify your energy, focus, and purpose. This episode will bring a smile to your face and help you get your momentum and mojo back. It is time to embrace the struggle and begin to soar again. It’s time to fly baby!!!

2. WATCH This… “Whatever it Takes!” (W.I.T.) Video

Need some extra mojo? I reached out to some of my friends in the “life-transformation” industry worldwide and just put together a short inspirational video on “W.I.T.”

Check it out and let me know what you think. Just like and comment on the video.

Here is what “W.I.T.” means to me…

Additionally, I would LOVE to know what “W.I.T.” means to you. Put together a 15-60 second telling me what “W.I.T.” means to you, post it on your social media, tag me (@ToddDurkin), and tag @CarnoSyn on your Instagram or Facebook. Someone is going to win some goodies, including my vintage “MindRight Maniac” grey hoodie!!

3. Enroll in my IMPACT Coaching Program for NON-Fit Pros.

Everyone needs a coach. I’ve had coaches in all aspects of my life since I’ve been 5-years old.

And I’ve been coaching entrepreneurs, athletes, and high-performers for 20+ years.

I’ve spent the last 13-years of my life coaching trainers and fit-pros through my Todd Durkin Mastermind program. We just had our first LIVE “retreat” this weekend in San Diego. Despite keeping the group small, social-distancing, and “masking-up,” it was so special to see people “live” again.

We had some amazing breakthroughs for the 20-trainers/fit-pros in the room, and there is nothing like the power of a “hot-seat” and bringing your God-Sized Dream (G.S.D.) to life. #SeriousIMPACT

Why do I share?

Because I want to help 12-people TOTAL (starts October 18th) for 60-days who are ready for a transformation of energy, life, dreams, and purpose.

My latest coaching program (Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching) is designed for NON-fitness pros who are ready to make the most significant leap they’ve made in all of 2020. This group will consist of leaders, executives, athletes, entrepreneurs, high-performers, or people who are seeking MORE out of life.

Is this you?

Do you feel stuck, stalled, or frustrated?
Do you need a major kick-in-the-pants with your health, fitness, wellness, and vitality?
Do you need someone to tap into the well inside of you, ignite your passion & purpose again, and crystallize how and where to focus your energy?
Do you want to play at a “higher” level in your career or business and IMPACT more people?

If so, my “Todd Durkin IMPACT Coaching” program is guaranteed to give you the juice/mojo/life-force necessary to get increased momentum in your business and life again. Along with deepening your purpose, and allowing you to tap into your G.S.D. and LIVE it!

Additionally, I will be personally coaching you and holding you accountable to your stated goals and habits.

Take a look at ALL aspects of this business, leadership, and LIFE-coaching program and SIGN-UP Today.

All details here:

Create an incredible day, get some major mojo today, and go SPREAD it. The world needs it!

Much love… and much IMPACT!


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