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118 Ways to Create IMPACT in 2018

Who is fired-up for 2018? I’m not sure why, but even I’m more jacked-up than normal for the New Year than EVER before!!

I know every year people get excited to put the old year to bed and start fresh. I get it. So do I. But I want 2018 to be different for you. Seriously.

Like I want 2018 to literally be your BEST year ever. While it seems rhetorical to say that, I’m committed to motivating & inspiring YOU like never before to stir you into taking ACTION on the goals and dreams that are deep inside of you waiting to be revealed to the world.

NOW is the perfect time to GO DEEP. To DREAM BIG. To get emotional and cast out your vision for what will be an extraordinary year.

That is why I have written my “118 Ways to Create IMPACT in 2018” for you!

I believe this one blog may be the START of what could spur you into action to help you create and achieve your biggest and BEST year yet.

It’s going to take framing up some strategy on your end. It’s going to take a massive effort. And lots of ACTION. Are you up for it?

While I have done this exercise for the past few years, this one is even better. It’s revised, edited, updated, and full of what I believe will help you create massive IMPACT in 2018.

Lastly, I always love reading your comments on which of my 118 points MOST resonate with you (hop over to my FB page and please share there) and which ones are going to MOST help you craft up your best year and your best life).

Without further ado, here is my latest & greatest 2018 edition of “118 Ways to Create IMPACT in 2018”:

1. Be the most positive person you know (This is ALWAYS my first rule!).

2. Get rid of every single person in your life that’s negative. If you don’t enjoy being around them, choose not to spend time with them.

3. If it’s not going to matter in 5-years then don’t spend more than 5-minutes on it.

4. Define your “game-changing” move in 2018. What’s it going to be? Then get it done! No more fear…no more excuses…THIS is YOUR year!!!

5. Know your “Big 5 for the Year.” These are the 5 most important things that you need to make happen by the end of 2018 to truly make it the best year of your life.

6. Define a theme for 2018 and LIVE IT every day. My theme for 2018 is #CONTAGIASM. Be ready!!

7. Define and read your “Big 5 for Life” every morning. These are the 5 things that you MOST want to accomplish in your lifetime.

8. Write your eulogy and then live your life backward.

9. Read at least 10 books this year. Some of my favorite books besides my own are Tim Ferris’ Tools of the Titans and Tribe of Mentors, Soar by TD Jakes, A Life Beyond Amazing by Dr. David Jeremiah and Traction by Geno Wickman.

10. Who are the 6 people who are going to carry your casket someday? Hang out with them more often in 2018!

11. One LIVE meeting/conference/event is better than a thousand emails. #Truth

12. Attend my 3.5 Day Mentorship this year. I only do ONE a year. My next one is coming up February 8-11, 2018. It’s as deep as it gets and is a guaranteed game-changer. #LegacyBuilder

13. Ready…FIRE…Aim! You must have the courage and faith to take ACTION on the things that you want in life. Fear often predominates decision-making and fear will rob you of ultimately living your BEST life. Remember, F.E.A.R. means Face Everything and Rise!!

14. You sometimes have to give up what’s “good” to get to “great.” And that can be scary. See #13 above!

15. Your company is a representation of your own energy…good or bad. If you feel great, your business is more apt to be great. If you feel sick, tired, lethargic, stuck, frustrated, or unhealthy, your business is more likely to feel that way also. Do what you need to do to make sure your ENERGY is thriving!!

16. In order to SOAR, you have to go through turbulence. Weather the storms and keep persevering. Thank you, TD Jakes!

17. Put on a grey hoodie, snap your band, and GET YOUR MIND RIGHT!!

18. Regardless of your role or title at work, be a team-builder.

19. Remember that business is about relationships & connections. Never forget that.

20. People need motivation, accountability, and know-how. Deliver it to them.

21. Post affirmations on your bathroom mirror. After all, when you see something enough, you start to believe it. And when you can believe it, you can achieve it!

22. Make sure that at least one post (email or social media) per week is designed to motivate, inspire, and CHANGE someone’s life!

23. Seek PURPOSE…not profit.

24. Don’t focus on making money; focus on creating value.

25. Money is energy. Good energy—lots of flow. Bad energy—bad flow. Keep energy flowing.

26. Leaders execute & get results. No excuses.

27. Strive to be ‘World Class’ in all you do.

28. Be impeccable with your words; Don’t complain, gossip, or be negative. Thank you, Don Miguel Ruiz. (author of “The 4 Agreements”; Read it!)

29. Read Lewis Howes “School of Greatness.” And listen to his School of Greatness. It’s Great!

30. Listen to podcasts. I listen to them 4-5 days per week for at least 30 minutes. My top ones (in addition to School of Greatness are EntreLeadership (Dave Ramsey), the Tony Robbins podcast, The Tim Ferris Show, the GaryVee Audio Experience, The Joe Rogan Experience, 10x Talk by Joe Polish & Dan Sullivan, The Potter’s Touch by TD Jakes, and Joel Osteen Radio.

31. If you are battling major adversity in your life, read “Everyday I Fight” by Stuart Scott. Man, I loved this book!!!!

32. Train like a pro athlete; Exercise more. No one has EVER regretted a great workout. And this year, do more yoga…and stretch more often!

33. Get a massage one time per week. Or at least one time per month. #Necessity #NotLuxury

34. Smile more often…don’t take yourself as serious…and take MORE RISK!

35. The hardest job I have is parenting. It’s also the most important. Make sure your priorities are straight!

36. Clean up your diet. 6-pack abs are made in the kitchen. Get rid of sugars, eliminate the junk food, eat higher quality foods, eat every 3-4 hours, and eat for fuel—not for comfort! And if you really want to clean it up, do a cleanse at least one time per year.

37. Have one “Greens Drink” a day. Spinach, kale, apple, banana, coconut water and a scoop of vanilla protein powder is one of my favorites.

38. Be sure to schedule at least one extraordinary vacation per year. It fuels the mind, body, and spirit. Your biggest ideas come when you are at the beach, or in the mountains, or AWAY from work. Get more “mellow yellow” time this year and watch how your business & life SOARS!

39. Create your “WLWL” (When Life Works List). What were you doing when life was working best? Thank you Sean Stephenson.

40. Be obsessed with learning. 30 minutes minimum per day. That can be reading, watching DVD’s, listening to podcasts, attending workshops and conferences, Mastermind Groups, live Mentorships, or spending time with mentors or leaders in your industry.

41. Thoroughbreds like hanging out with thoroughbreds—they don’t like hanging out with donkeys. Be careful with who you surround yourself with. Just as much as the right people can push you up, the wrong crowd can bring you down. Thank you Dave Ramsey.

42. Plan as if you will live forever but live as if you’ll die tomorrow.

43. If you do not have a will, powers of attorney, some disability insurance, and some life insurance (if you are married and have kids), you must get it done. Thank you Tom Dexter.

44. Say ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ and ‘I love you’ more.

45. Give someone a massage.

46. Write love-letters like you used to.

47. Call up someone you always wanted to talk to but never thought you could. Or at least hit them up on social media and try to connect with them.

48. Call up an old coach or teacher and thank them for positively impacting your life.

49. If you want to resolve a conflict, call them instead of emailing or texting them.

50. Write a hand-written note to a client or customer.

51. When you travel, send letters to your kids on hotel stationery.

52. If you want more, GIVE more.

53. “Do or do not, there is no try.”–Yoda

54. “The way you do one thing… is the way you do everything.” Thank you Tom Davin.

55. What are you thankful for? What are your intentions for the day? Whom do you pray for today? Where were you outstanding today?

56. Clarity precedes genius. You can find clarity in writing and in times of solitude.

57. Track your success.

58. Slow down in order to speed up.

59. Be willing to fail. It’s the price of greatness.

60. Spend at least 10 minutes every AM in quiet time, prayer time, or meditation time. Trust me, this little “best practice” is truly one of the BEST things you can do for yourself.

61. Listen to inspirational music. Create your favorite play list for chilling out as well as working out.

62. Listen to more books on tape and podcasts. I even put my WOW BOOK on audio in 2017 for your listening pleasure.

63. Watch the Rocky “marathon” with your kids on a rainy day. If that doesn’t inspire you to go workout, check your pulse.

64. Do what you do best and hire the rest.

65. Never settle for less than you are worth. Remember, you are worth it!

66. Sometimes good is good enough. Don’t let “perfectionism” rob you of getting things done.

67. “Color code your life,” says my mentor, Wayne Cotton. Green machine, blue sky, red tape, and mellow yellow. Visit for more information.

68. Problems help create beneficial rearrangements.

69. “Fear, frustration, and failure are overcome by faith, focus, forward-motion, and follow-through.” Absolutely brilliant, Wayne Cotton!

70. Remember the 10,000-hour rule. It often takes about 10,000 hours or 10 years to be recognized as an “expert.” #GetWorking

71. Success takes time. Be patient, but continually invest in yourself.

72. Focus on the PROCESS… not the product.

73. Work more ON your business, not more IN your business.

74. Your big ideas typically come when you are sitting on a beach or skiing in the mountains.

75. Hire only “A” rated players; otherwise, you will have an organization made up of average people creating a mediocre business.

76. Cut the bottom 10% of your players. It’s never easy to fire anyone but you’re doing THEM, you, and your business a favor if they are the wrong fit.

77. Everyone in an organization should be considered a “leader.”

78. Always believe in your dreams, even when they don’t seem possible or other people doubt you.

79. WTF—“What the FOCUS!!!” (Thank you Trina Gray). If you want serious results in your life, narrow & deepen your FOCUS and work your tail off until you accomplish what you desire.

80. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. Don’t get out-worked in 2018!

81. “Water people every day”—lift people up instead of tearing people down.

82. One quick “No” is better than 10 “maybe’s” or “I don’t know’s.” Thank you Randy Hetrick, founder and creator of the TRX…and friend for life.

83. Remember what Walt Disney said, “Everything speaks!”

84. Be more spontaneous.

85. Develop a hobby.

86. “The bigger the dream, the more important the team.” Thank you Kevin Plank, founder and CEO, Under Armour.

87. “Your attitude determines your altitude!” –Zig Ziglar

88. Don’t compare yourself to others. Just run your own race and be the BEST version of you!

89. Speak more, write more, and read more.

90. Be a lifelong learner. And make sure you are reading. Some of my all-time classics are Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, “Start with the WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek, and “The 10X Rule” by Grant Cardone, Motivation Manifesto by Brendan Burchard, and Hard Hat by Jon Gordon (heck, anything by Jon Gordon is great!).

91. Turn OFF your TV (and even your phone sometimes!).

92. Eliminate excuses. Replace “can’t”, “won’t” or “maybe” with “CAN, WILL, and DEFINITELY!

93. “Eat that Frog” says Brian Tracy. Do the things that you don’t like to do but need to do, early in your day. You MUST be a master of your TIME and need to do the MOST important things first.

94. Read “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. It changed my life!

95. Hire a coach. Heck, even the Dali Lama has a spiritual coach. Maybe you need a trainer (yes, even trainers need trainers!). Maybe it’s a nutritionist. Maybe it’s a business coach or a life coach. Get more accountability, additional focus, and increased results.

96. Be part of a Mastermind Group. It will accelerate your results, positively affect your mindset, allow you to work “ON” your business, and provide you fertile soil in which to grow. If you want me to coach you, simply email me at and I will personally get back to you within 3 business days.

97. Find a way to become more active in your church of choice… it will help you get to know the people who worship there with you better.

98. Plan one spontaneous outing on a weekend for your spouse or significant other.

99. Write out a bucket list of 25 things on it that you want to do before you die. And be sure to check off at least one thing each year.

100. What can you eliminate from your schedule or stop doing that is currently robbing you of your time and energy?

101. Do more of what you love to do and what makes your soul sing. What are the 5 things that MOST make your soul sing? For me, it’s writing, speaking, training, leading, and family-time. How about you?

102. Action is like gas in the car. Without it, you will not go. READY…FIRE…and then AIM!

103. Write down your “BHAG” for 2018. That is your “BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS, GOAL.” And then do it! What is going to be your game-changer in 2018?

104. 525,600 minutes in 2018. What are you going to do with them? Make sure you make the most of your time. Check out this video I did from the beach…

105. Are you part of the 4-H Club? You gotta have a great HEAD, HEART, HUNGER, & HUMILITY to reach maximum success!!

106. Don’t just chase success. Chase significance. Success can be fleeting. Significance is when you are making an IMPACT in other people’s lives. BE SIGNIFICANT!

107. If you’re happy, notify your face…and show your teeth!

108. Keep asking yourself throughout the day, “What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing I can do with my time right now?” And then do that!

109. When you need to get over something, say “NEXT” and MOVE ON!

110. It’s not WHAT is in your life that is important…it’s WHO is in your life that is most important. Say ‘thank you’ and ‘I love you’ more frequently to them.

111. Do NOT turn on your mobile phone first thing in the AM. Establish your morning routine, do that, and then turn on your phone.

112. Get Your Mind Right! Don’t allow “Stinking Thinking” (thank you Dave Ramsey) into your head. What you watch, what you read, who you surround yourself with, who you learn from, ALL counts.

113. Remove any energy vampires in your life. They are robbing you of precious ENERGY!

114. Train hard…Eat right…Live inspired…And CREATE IMPACT!!!

115. “When you have your health, you have 1,000 dreams. When you don’t, you only have one.” –Indian Proverb

116. Sign up for my “Dose of Durkin” delivered every Monday morning to your email or mobile phone. I am committed to making these as good as ever in 2018 to help motivate and inspire you… Opt-in at and then share with a friend. Or on your mobile phone, send the message “td” to 56955.

117. Be sure your mind is right!! The mind, body, and spirit are all closely connected and will catch the disease of each other. #CleanItUp

118. Live with CONTAGIASM this year—“Contagious enthusiasm” in all you do!

119. “AND THEN SOME.” It’s an attitude. It’s a way of life. Always do more than expected. I had to get the “extra point” in there.

BAM! I hope that there are at least 5-10 points that really SPEAK to you and inspire you to create more IMPACT in 2018. Write them down, highlight them, post them, share them, and make sure you DO THEM. And please feel free to share which ones you like best with me below in the comments section.

My friends, I’m excited to continue motivating and inspiring you to help you craft your BEST year and your BEST life. Let’s do this!

Happy New Year and let’s truly make 2018 the BEST year of YOUR LIFE!

Much love… and much WOW & IMPACT!!!


P.S. Don’t forget to comment down below about the 5-10 points that MOST resonate with you.

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