2019 “TD Inspired” Gift Guide

Ho Ho Ho…Merry Fitness and a Happy New Rear! Santa Claus came to Fitness Quest 10 the other day to reveal his top health & fitness Christmas gifts that will be sure to WOW your loved ones. You just have to see these…

I hope you have an incredible holiday season. Whether you are celebrating Hanukkah or Christmas, enjoy the spirit of the season.

  • Grey hoodies (MRM and IMPACT)
    • Have you ever noticed there are certain clothes that just bring out the “BEST” in you? You know, you just feel better in them and “kick it up a notch.” Well, for me, there is nothing like putting on an old-school grey hoodie. That is why it is at the top of my list.
  • Theragun
    • This handheld self-massager heals muscles through vibration therapy. It’s a compact tool perfect for problem areas. Plus, it uses batteries, so it’s a great travel companion.
  • MRM Gear
    • MindRight Maniac is committed to “Getting YOUR Mind Right” on a daily basis. This gear will help you do that!
  • WOW Book
    • In The WOW Book, Todd shares 52 stories, each with a particular theme, like gratitude, hustle, recharge, and habits, to motivate you to get your mind right, discover your life’s purpose, and live with conviction. Create WOW in your life NOW by embarking on this journey of daily growth with Todd Durkin, your personal WOW coach.
  • IMPACT Gear
    • Todd’s mission is to create IMPACT worldwide through INSPIRING millions to greatness. This shirt was created to spread that message and have people create their own IMPACT.

  • Gift Certificates
    • If you are in or near San Diego, Fitness Quest 10 has many gift certificates available to give to your loved ones this holiday season. Simply call us at 858-271-117 or stop by Fitness Quest 10 to pick up gift certificates for massage, training, pilates or membership.
  • IMPACT Book
    • Train with the IMPACT Body Plan and break through the barriers of one-dimensional cardio and weight training and instead use innovative training methods that will help you achieve total body fitness.
  • MM
    • I invite you to be part of my best-in-class Todd Durkin Mastermind Coaching program NOW so that I can help you with your business, leadership, and personal growth. And as a bonus, if you sign-up now, you will receive my 2019 Annual Roadmap & Strategic Plan. This alone will stir your dreams, give you strategy and set you on a trajectory, unlike anything you have experienced yet. It is alone my MOST VALUABLE TOOL of any I personally use. Until December 26th receive 50% off the first TWO months of the mastermind program. 
  • Fitness Business Success System 
    • Discover the one big secret that will create more streams of income, trim away expenses and mistakes, and help you create massive success and IMPACT in your business & life…even if you have no team, not equipment, and no previous experience!
  • Myzone belt


Much love…and a lot of fitness!


Merry Fitness!!!

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