Pillars of I.M.P.A.C.T. (Part 2)

IMPACT Podcast Episode 2

In this episode of the IMPACT Show, Todd picks up right where he left on the Pillars of I.M.P.A.C.T., sharing with you about taking action in your life and maximizing your potential. Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or life, he will challenge you to go deep and give you strategies to help you achieve […]

Mentor Lesson #1: Why I Stopped Getting Mail From My Dad

Todd thinking about his Dad

When I was in college, email did not exist. Imagine that. So if you wanted to drop someone a note, you literally had to put it in the mail and it would get there a few days later. And every single day while I was at William & Mary in Va, for 3.5 years, I […]

Are you a Donkey or a Thoroughbred?

One of the men that I have loved studying from the most over the past couple years is Dave Ramsey. I have read his books. I’ve attended his live events. And I love listening to his EntreLeadership podcast. If you don’t know who Dave is, he is a best-selling author and speaker specializing in leadership, […]

The Importance of a Mentor

Today, I want to share someone special with you. He’s a trainer at Fitness Quest 10. He started as an intern back in 2013. He’s a former hockey player. And he epitomizes the words PASSION, PURPOSE, and IMPACT. My friends, meet someone I have been mentoring now for a few years and someone I’ve very […]

Mentor Lesson #8: DO BETTER!

I’m not sure where to even start this email. It’s going to be a tough one for me to write. I started my “Mentor Memoirs” with my Dad (thank you all for the emails on that one!). And today, I’m giving you an “and then some” lesson. I will try not to get too emotional. […]

Mentor Lesson #7: Trust Your GUT!

When I was in college, I was a government major. And then I changed to business. And I was miserable. It was then I got some of the best advice I’ve ever received. My sister Patti, the oldest of my 5 sisters, told me something that changed the course of my life. Patti said, “You […]

Mentor Lesson #6: Get MO in YO life

You can have mentors in many different areas of your life. And one of the mentors who has impacted me greatly in my life is Pastor Miles McPherson (The Rock Church, San Diego). He has that gift when preaching and speaking to make you feel like, “He’s talking directly to me.” Many years ago he […]

Mentor Lesson #4: Live your life BACKWARDS

Some people’s writing moves your spirit. Some people’s presentations or talks inspire you to be better. Some people’s words just resonate deeply with you. Robin Sharma is one of those guys to me. I was first introduced to his work when I read his book, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” Great book. And then […]

Gut Check Time

I recently wrapped up one of my favorite events of the year, my 3.5 Day Mentorship. As the dust settles, I’ve been thinking about how mentoring has changed my life and my business. And more importantly, what it’s done for this fresh crop of mentorees. This is a cool little snippet of an email I […]

Coach Johnny Parker—A Strength & Conditioning Legend

Coach Johnny Parker—A Strength & Conditioning Legend By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I met a legend on Saturday. And it was one of the highlights of my busy few days at both the IDEA World & Perform Better conferences. After teaching my “Secrets to Training ALL Athletes” program at Perform Better in Long Beach, a […]