I’m pumped for the NFL games today… my Predictions!

I love football. I really do. And I love “Wildcard Weekend.” Is anyone else enjoying some football this weekend? 3 great games yesterday, and there are another 3 good ones slated today. Typically, these games this late in the year come down to 5 important things… Turnovers. The team with the fewest turnovers usually wins. Converting […]

My Lowest Moment as an Athlete…

I learned a valuable coaching lesson from my venerable HS football coach, Coach Wolf, in the Fall of 1987. Whenever we WON a game, it was always about the players. If we ever LOST a game, Coach Wolf always, without fail, shouldered the blame and put it on “lack of coaching, lack of preparation, failure […]

5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back NOW!

Does anyone out there need to get their mojo back? I thought so! 90% of the people I speak with miss the energy, rhythm, and mojo they desire these days. I have three ways today to help you with that: 1. LISTEN to today’s IMPACT podcast episode called “STRUGGLING or SOARING—5 Ways to Get Your […]

Mental Health, Doubling Down on IMPACT, and my G.S.D

Mornin Mornin sunshines. Get up. Get vertical. Declare today is going to be a victory. Whether it has been a great week, a good week, or a really shoddy week, let’s make today a winner. Move your body today, engage in some great conversations, listen to a podcast (preferably the one below!), and do something […]