The 6 Rules I Have With My Kids

Do you wear a lot of “hats” in your life? You know, your “parent” hat, your “work” hat, your “spouse” hat… I’m no different. The most difficult “hat” I wear is the “Dad” hat. I absolutely love it. But man, it can be tough sometimes. For example, this past weekend, we had 14 games between […]

Is It Necessary to Emulate Sport-Specific Movements During Training in Our Youth?

Written By Jeff King Throughout the years, my approach and philosophy towards training young athletes has changed. Many factors have attributed to this: books I have read, conferences I have attended and respected coaches I have talked to. Each has played a vital role in developing my current approach with any young athlete I have […]

I Haven’t Done This in 31 Years!

I just got done doing something I haven’t done in about 31 years. I played in a competitive soccer game. You know, with referees and jerseys and all that stuff. And I loved it. Since I’m coaching my son Brady’s 9-year old soccer team again (Team IMPACT with my wingman Coach Jeff Granucci), all the […]

Home Sweets Home

Brett Klika If you have kids, I’m sure you want to do everything in your power to make sure they grow up healthy and happy.  With the current disturbing statistics about youth obesity (1 in 3 youth is overweight), fingers are pointing in every direction as to who or what is causing this problem […]

Learn From Your Kids

By Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 The primary difference between training adults and youth is that training youth is all about giving them something physically constructive to do with “all that energy.”  For adults, it’s all about giving them some energy by giving them something physically constructive to do. Youth are little […]

Making Good Great

By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 Every day, big, fast, and strong athletes are working to be bigger, faster, stronger, so they can one day be the biggest, fastest, and strongest.  The process of working towards athletic success is one of constantly addressing strengths and weaknesses, and striving to get better.  […]

Foundations of Strength: The Push-Up

Push-ups are probably the most commonly used bodyweight strength callisthenic whether you are working with kids, adults, or pro athletes.   They can be done anywhere and are highly effective for building upper body strength and endurance.  However, in my work with kids, I am finding that fewer and fewer boys and girls are able to […]

The Importance of Flexibility in Athletes

One of the aspects of training that often gets pushed to the wayside is flexibility.  When we are in a crunch for time, the first thing that gets removed from the workout is stretching.  Unfortunately, that is an important aspect!  Stretching improves and maintains range of motion, reduces stiffness in your joints, reduces soreness, reduces […]

Justins Russ’ Update on Interning at FQ10

By: Intern Justin Russ Over the course of the past several weeks, I can say with complete confidence that this internship has been a truly remarkable experience. Highlights to date include: playing catch with Drew Brees (and being so star-struck that I dropped a pass from 5 yards away), meeting TRX creator Randy Hetrick, competing […]

A Typical Day Interning at Fitness Quest 10

By: Intern Charleston             Today we started with Quest 10 kids in the lower facility. These kids are a lot of fun and they are definitely a good group of kids that need to be encouraged and supported.  Coach Jeff King does an excellent job with this camp by giving the kids something to be […]