5 Reasons You May Not Be Losing Weight that Have Nothing to Do with Diet or Exercise

Diet and exercise are a big part of you looking, feeling, and being your absolute best. But sometimes you can be busting your tail at the gym and eating pretty clean and you don’t yield the results you desire. This often leads to frustration, complacency, or falling off the wagon because you’re not sure why […]
Meet the 4 Doctors of Healthy Living

Who loves the idea of feeling even more positive, energized, vibrant, and healthy? Who loves the idea of NOT having the need to go see the doctor for a long time? Who likes getting kisses on your leg from an 11-lb terrier-chihuahua mutt while recording a podcast? Yep, all of this and more on today’s […]
Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013
Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013 Meg Kruse is a fitness trainer at Fitness Quest 10 and a figure competitor who just attained her PRO CARD by the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilders) at the North American Championships in Pittsburgh, PA, on August 31, 2013. Todd did an in-depth interview with her about […]
Question I want to ask you about the meaning of Impact. What does it stand for? And, do you have some information on leadership books that struck a cord with you? Matt Mcrowell, Georgetown on Canada www.trainingedge.ca Matt, thanks for asking. Yes, IMPACT is a way of life. The acronym “I.M.P.A.C.T.” stands for: I = […]
IMPACT! Corner Questions August 2012
How do you fire up your trainers and staff to bring IMPACT every day in everything they do and transfer that enthusiasm of ownership? First, you have to make sure you are fired up yourself. World-class workouts, eating impeccably, getting bodywork/massage, and all the physical and recovery practices we preach to our clients everyday. This […]
IMPACT Corner Questions June 2012
What is the best thing to eat before an early morning run 5:15 am? Love the early morning workouts. If it’s this early, I would do a swig of orange juice or just pure water. I have a tough time eating that early myself. If you feel you need more, go with something light: a […]
How to Feed your Pet Human
How to Feed your Pet Human By Craig Valency, CSCS I didn’t have any exotic pets growing up, but a few of my friends had snakes, turtles, lizards, and other critters my mother was not very fond of. What I most remember are the feedings. The toads always needed a good supply of crickets, supplemented […]
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison!!
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison! Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. As you know, the following foods are poison and if you eat them, you will explode: 1. Meat because of saturated fat, poor quality (hormones, etc) and animals are cute 2. Milk and dairy products because of lactose, hormones, and questionable bioavailability of nutrients 3. Eggs because […]
IMPACT Corner April 2012
Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages (www.facebook.com/ToddDurkinFQ10) and on our Twitter feed (www.Twitter.com/ToddDurkin) this past week. I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets. If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question. I […]
Home Sweets Home
Brett Klika Brettklika.com If you have kids, I’m sure you want to do everything in your power to make sure they grow up healthy and happy. With the current disturbing statistics about youth obesity (1 in 3 youth is overweight), fingers are pointing in every direction as to who or what is causing this problem […]