My All-Time Personal Favorite Episodes out of 200 IMPACT SHOWS

Woah Nelly, I can’t believe we are celebrating 200-episodes today. WOW!!! As a matter of fact, I asked my wife Melanie and right-hand teammate Julie Wilcox to be an instrumental part of today’s 200th episode gala and they are a big part of today’s celebration. In today’s 200th special episode, we share: My all-time favorite […]

Quarterback Your Own Health (Part 2) with Peter Twist

We are back with Part 2 of “Quarterback your own Health” with my good friend Peter Twist. In this part 2, Pete shares the next phase of life after battling Stage-4 throat and neck cancer, changes with Twist Conditioning, survival during the pandemic, and now creating a new life from a blank canvas.  There is […]

Quarterback Your Own Health with Peter Twist (Part 1)

Man, oh man…I’m so excited to share my guest with you today. I have fitness-industry icon Peter Twist on the show and you are in for a real treat. I’ve known “Twister” for 25 years and he is a legend in the field of training & sports coaching. Peter has been awarded 13 industry awards […]

Are You an “EVERY DAY” Kind of Person?

I recently read Stuart Scott’s book, “Every Day I Fight.” It was undoubtedly one of the best books I have EVER read. I literally cried 3x while reading the book. It’s that good. One of the things I loved in the book is how I felt like I was fighting cancer WITH Stuart. I have […]

What Would You Do If You Had Cancer?

What Would You Do If You Had Cancer? By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I want to introduce you to a dear friend of mine named Peter Twist. If you are a trainer/coach/fitness pro, you most likely know of Pete. If you are a fitness enthusiast or Fitness Quest 10 client/fan, you may not know of […]