The Crusade to Change & Save Lives

Time to buckle up the boot-straps and get ready to hear the story of a gal whose business exploded during the pandemic. Meet Rachele Jaegers, a woman on a mission to change and save lives through her online fitness platform that she has built to over 400-members. She is now on a crusade to inspire […]

My Advice to the Younger Generation with Carter Pline

I recently had a deep conversation with a 19-year old gentleman who had some deep questions for me. This young man, a student-athlete at Mount Vernon Nazarene College in Ohio, is looking to gain practical wisdom and insight as he is currently making some big decisions to set himself up for success in life. My […]

Why I Do What I Do & Comfort in the Quiet

I love coaching people. ALL people. Today’s episode is part 2 of “Q&A” from a young man searching for his purpose and calling in life. Connor Darnbrough is not afraid of hard work and shares his struggles to find time for himself. Today, he asks me a few great questions dealing with why I do […]

How To Create Significance in Your Community

Today we are going coast to coast where I am interviewing two standout trainers & business partners, Joe Ardagna and Austin Brock of Slash Fitness (Del Ray Beach, FL). I met Joe and Austin 8 years ago at one of my 3.5 Day Mentorship programs here in San Diego, where they left a lasting impression […]

10 Lessons in 20 Years of Marriage with Melanie Durkin

My wife Melanie and I are celebrating 20-years of marriage this week (Feb 17th). WOW. I can’t believe it’s already been 20-years. Little did I think when I was checking out the attractive step-aerobics instructor in the late ’90s when I was in graduate school, that she would eventually become my wife.  Today, Melanie is […]

How to be an Instrument of Peace with Jill Rooks

You have heard me say “Live a Life Worth Telling a Story About” a thousand times. My special guest today, Jill Rooks, lives a life that spreads kindness, wisdom, and light in a world that so desperately needs it today. I met Jill way back in 2006 at an IDEA conference in Anaheim, CA, and […]

Under Construction! | Spittin’ Fire

Today’s podcast is unlike any other one I’ve done in the past 154 episodes. I recorded this one from the construction site that will be the future TDE global headquarters in just a matter of weeks. We have some amazing things going on at Fitness Quest 10 and within the TDE brand, which will allow […]

A Man of Soul with Matt Stocker

I’m super fired today to bring you a good friend of mine who is lighting up the East Coast with IMPACT.  Meet my guy Matt Stocker, an amazing Fit Pro and part of my Mastermind spreading his Heart and Soul in his gym, Trinity Fitness, and his community.   This episode is for anyone who needs […]

Prison, Pushups, & PURPOSE | The Story of Travis Barnes

Travis is Different

You have heard me say “Live a Life Worth Telling a Story About” a thousand times. Today, you will hear me talk with Travis Barnes, who has one heckuva story. Travis grew up in a broken home, was incarcerated at the age of 18 for a decade, and lived in a FEMA trailer when he […]