My Top 20 Lessons Learned in 2020

WOW. What a year. 2020 has been a year like no other we have ever experienced. There has been “some” good. A lot of bad. And even some ugly. I’m not sure about you, but I personally can’t wait for 2021 to get here. Anyone else concur? But before we flip the page to the […]

Fork in the Road Moments

Big decisions. It seems like many people are making “big” decisions these days. I call these decisions “Fork in the Road Moments.” They require you to do some soul-searching in order to make a decision that is congruent with your divine purpose and true essence. While “Fork in the Road” decisions are often scary, they […]

Creating Confidence in Crazy Times

Have you ever had your confidence rocked or shattered? Have you ever needed a boost of belief, courage, or confidence or you just needed to “Get Your Mind Right?” If so, you’re going to love today’s show. Meet my good friend Trish Blackwell, one of the top “Confidence Coaches” in the world who has an […]

A moment with my pup Jersey!

Last Friday, I got in my first “real” workout in almost 2-weeks. Coming from someone who has rarely missed a few days in a row (unless I was sick or hurt), that was A LOT of time without working out. And it felt GREAT to get in a good sweat. These days most people are […]

Deep Thoughts From The Garage

Today’s episode is short, sweet, and from the heart and soul. I’m going to ask you some deep questions that are going to challenge you to the core and ultimately allow you to put your unique fingerprints and soul print on this universe.  Some of these questions include: If anything was possible, what would you […]

Leading from the La-Z-Boy…A Conversation with two of my Confidants

After last week’s knee surgery, I’m going to be “leading from the La-Z-Boy” for the next few weeks. Today, 2 of my closest confidants, Julie Wilcox & Larry Indiviglia, fire-away impromptu questions to me on a multitude of topics such as: What’s different this time vs surgery 2 years ago when I had my right […]

Nutrition, Recovery, and Mindset to Expedite Healing

As you know, I just had a partial knee replacement of my left knee 5-days ago. One of the crucial things to a healthy & speedy recovery is the right recovery routine for the next 90+ days. I’m going ALL-OUT to make sure I have a “Repeat Recovery” of when I got my right-knee done […]

Recovering from Knee Surgery… I’ve got a New Knee!

Yes, I just had knee surgery. You’re probably like “Whattt…I had no idea?” I know…I’ve been a bit busy trying to “save the gym, save people, and save the world” the last 9-months, just like many of you reading this! But I had to get it done NOW so I can go into 2021 feeling […]

Think, Do, and BE the Opposite

Back by popular demand, I’m out with the Jersey Dog sharing my deep thoughts and challenging you to be different. Today, I’m talking about awakening your soul by being different than most other people. Whereas many people are living in fear, frustration, isolation, and stress, I’m asking you to be different. I’m pleading with you […]

The Last Workout Before Surgery

I just had a partial knee replacement of my left knee. Life sure has had its twists & turns in 2020, including this one. Be sure to listen to this complete episode from start to finish as it has a “surprise” ending. In today’s episode, I share my deep thoughts during my Last Workout before […]