Facebook Live Call: Open Q & A with TD

I was on a Facebook Live Open Q&A recently and I wanted to share some of the highlights. From leadership to fitness, I’m dedicating my time to YOU. So, hit me up on social media with your questions and tune in for the answers. It’s that simple. In the video below, we go deep on […]

Paving the Path to World Class: 4 Habits of World-Class Performers

Surround Yourself With Thoroughbreds You are who you surround yourself with. Spend your time with world-class performers and their productive habits, positive actions, and indomitable attitudes will rub off on you. Fill your days with complainers (or energy suckers as I like to call them) and you’ll catch yourself whining. Hang with high-performers (or fire-breathing […]

Todd Durkin and Martin Rooney — ENERGY EXPLOSION

I have often thought about having an ENERGY EXPLOSION conference. You know, a 1 or 2-day conference/workshop to reset and recalibrate your energy. To fill your head with positivity. To have some epic calorie-burning workouts. To infuse some yoga and meditation. To eat world-class. To learn cutting-edge, high-performance hacks, tips, and secrets to operate in […]

The CHAMP is here…Mike Chandler Talking Mindset!

Many of you Fitness Quest 10 fans, family, and friends know or have heard of Mike Chandler. You have probably seen him around the gym training his butt off and giving high-fives to about everyone in sight. And if you are not in San Diego, but follow my social media or you follow MMA, then […]

What I eat for breakfast every morning

One of the common questions I often get is “What do you eat for breakfast?” As a matter of fact, I was on a Facebook LIVE last Friday morning, and several people asked me to share my “Ketogenic Plan and specific breakfast routine.” OK…here goes. And better yet, in addition to my breakfast and keto […]

Be Different…

Travis is Different

Be Different… Good morning. I’m fresh off my 10th Annual Mastermind Retreat in Coronado over the weekend. Let me just say it was absolutely epic. It was full of people who were “different”… We had over 100 people in for a deep-dive into business and personal growth. It was certainly full of WOW!!! One of […]

I heard my Dad’s voice…

Today would have been my Dad’s 83rd birthday (Feb 6th). Unfortunately, my father died of a heart attack when he was only 58 years old. Over the weekend, I was cleaning out my garage and came across some old VHS tapes (who remembers these?) from my high school football glory days. I haven’t watched them […]

Embrace the Grind

“Some days you got it…some days you don’t. It’s the days you DON’T have it, that you gotta FIND it.” That’s a quote I say all the time. It’s the ability to “flip the switch” when the switch needs flippin’. Maybe you are waking up tired today… Maybe you are dragging your little sleepy tail […]

How Committed Are You?

Yes, December 26 is Boxing Day in many parts of the world. It is celebrated primarily in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Boxing Day started in the UK about 800 years ago, during the Middle Ages. It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in […]

This absolutely freaked me out!


We all have FEARS in life. I’m no different. I don’t like snakes. And I don’t like heights. So when I visited the Shanghai Pearl Tower last week in downtown Shanghai, China, I had to face one of my fears…HEIGHTS! As a matter of fact, instead of me writing about it, just watch me “hover” […]