Miracle On Ice

MIRACLE ON ICE By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It was February 22, 1980 and I was just 9-years old. And I remember the day like it was just last year. I was at soccer practice for the “Brick Rowdies” at the old Lanes Mills Elementary School in Brick, NJ, and all the parents were huddled […]

Shift Happens

Shift Happen By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It is said that “either you choose change or change will choose you.” So true! Speaking of change, I gave a talk to my Mastermind Group at our Retreat last week called “Shift Happens.” Part of my talk entailed discussing the “4 Insights of Change” by Peter Diamandis. […]


“ONE THING” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS We just finished our 8th Annual TD Mastermind Retreat here in San Diego and it was SPECIAL. 75 passionate, fired-up fitness pros inspired to transform the planet. It was a weekend filled with laughter, smiles, connection, support, motivation, thought, and strategy. We went DEEP. I LOVE hosting these […]


Live Inspired! By Natalie Peterson The things that you do and how you do them have an impact on the people around you. It becomes a ripple effect, those that you influence go on to influence others. Whether you are in a leadership role in your professional life or not, you are an influencer of […]

Think Big!!!

Think Big!!! By Todd Durkin I hope you enjoyed last night’s SUPER BOWL. Whether you liked the outcome or not, it’s always great to see one team crowned a champion. And I believe to be the BEST in anything, it takes a certain mindset. A winning mindset. A mindset that fuels hardwork and discipline. A […]

What R U Doing Right Now?

What R U Doing Right Now? By Todd Durkin For several years, I have been texting my pro athletes early morning video messages of me talking trash while I workout. I call them my “What r u doing right now?” messages. I do it to get in their heads before they come in for their […]

I Have a Riddle Question for You!

Dose of Durkin #6 – I Have a Riddle Question for You! By Todd Durkin Question: What is one thing we all know that is inevitable in life? (Hint: And the answer is not death or taxes; although both of those are indeed inevitable!) Answer: CHANGE!!! I just heard a crazy fact the other day. […]

I Was SOOO Scared Opening My Business! by Todd Durkin

15 years ago TODAY (January 2nd, 2000), I was scared as heck. And that’s putting it mildly. I was just about to open my gym, Fitness Quest 10 and I was SOOOOO scared. I had zero clients. No money. No business plan. Refurbished equipment. Carpet for flooring. 2,000 square feet of space. And I was […]

115 Ways to Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet by Todd Durkin

Every year around this time of the year, there is an incredible energy and enthusiasm for a brand New Year. And I share in your same excitement. I believe it’s because of the opportunity to start fresh. To start new. And to dream big dreams and cast out a wonderful vision. And to set strategy […]

Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival

It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]