Have You Ever Been Knocked Down or Out?

Sometimes you win in life. And sometimes you lose. And it sucks when you lose. No-one likes it. I don’t like it. And you probably don’t like it either. Especially when you work your tail off for something for weeks, months, or years for and it doesn’t work out the way you envision. My man […]

Do You Have The “Fitness Flu”?

No one likes having viruses. Or getting sick. And your fitness business can’t afford be “sick” either. Do you or does your business have any of the following symptoms of the “Fitness  Flu?”: 1. You feel apathy and stale in your services or deliverables. Heck, maybe you are even burnt-out? 2. Your revenues are NOT […]

The Story Behind a Person: Jesse Dietrick

We all have a story. Sometimes having a bigger story can lead to bigger moments in life. The stories that we tell of our lives attract others to us. What is your story? This past Saturday I had the great opportunity to lead a warm-up for Team in Training. Team in Training is a running group […]

An EPIC Boot Camp in San Diego

I just got done teaching an EPIC boot camp session down at the gorgeous Mission Bay Hilton Beach & Tennis Resort. This is exactly where I started my training business in San Diego over 17 years ago. So I always LOVE going down there. And there are a few specific reasons why today was EPIC. […]

What’s going to “DIE” before you have new “LIFE”?

I celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday in mass at our local Catholic Church, St. Gregory the Great. Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, as it’s often referred to, brings back some very vivid memories of being a kid and having to sit through the longest mass of the year. As a kid, I used to dread this […]

Mastermind Member In The Spotlight: Daniel Yakupka

Name: Daniel Yakupka Location (City/State): Alexandria, Virginia Your Role/Title: Owner of Fit 4 life Fitness & Performance Hobbies/activities/interests: I am ex basketball player. Even in my 43 years of age, I am still chasing all of the 20 year olds on the basketball court. Todd always mentions that leaders read a lot, and I also […]

My Precious Little Princess

I love the quote “Life is defined not by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.” This past Friday night, I had one of those moments. It was something that I was so looking forward to all week. And I was so pumped I was in town […]

Mastermind Member In The Spotlight: Mike Ibasco

Mike Ibasco is a five-year Todd Durkin Mastermind Platinum member and standout teammate.  He is the owner/operator of The Fitness Source, seven years and running, the premier personal training, weight loss, sports performance and triathlon studio in Las Vegas, NV. Mike leads a TEAM of 5 fitness professionals in a total body wellness approach to […]

“48” Traits Of A Champion

My friends, it’s a BIG week. It’s SUPER BOWL week. And the SUPER BOWL crowns a world-champion. I love that word “CHAMPION.” In some way, shape, or form, we all want to be a champion, don’t we? Whether it be in sports, or in life, we all strive to fill our potential and be our […]

Shortcut to Success…

By Natalie Peterson MS, CSCS There are no shortcuts. Even though I know better, I still try to find them. When thinking about shortcuts, I realized that there are so many areas in my life that it is tempting to take a shortcut. For example: In traffic on my way home Especially when I am […]