I’m pumped for the NFL games today… my Predictions!

I love football. I really do. And I love “Wildcard Weekend.” Is anyone else enjoying some football this weekend? 3 great games yesterday, and there are another 3 good ones slated today. Typically, these games this late in the year come down to 5 important things… Turnovers. The team with the fewest turnovers usually wins. Converting […]

What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

2021 is off and running, and I know everyone is excited for the New Year. There is no doubt the excitement and anticipation of the new year are tremendously energizing. While we have a few more challenging months to get through, I know WE WILL PERSEVERE and that when we look back on 2021 in […]

Leading from the La-Z-Boy…A Conversation with two of my Confidants

After last week’s knee surgery, I’m going to be “leading from the La-Z-Boy” for the next few weeks. Today, 2 of my closest confidants, Julie Wilcox & Larry Indiviglia, fire-away impromptu questions to me on a multitude of topics such as: What’s different this time vs surgery 2 years ago when I had my right […]

In the Shark Tank with Sarah Apgar & FitFighter

Who is ready to swim with the Sharks? Check out this epic podcast episode with entrepreneur, Army veteran, Iraqi war veteran, All American Rugby player at Princeton, mom, and Mastermind member and friend Sarah Apgar who just appeared on Shark Tank on ABC a few days ago. Listen in as Sarah pitches her FitFighter brand […]

The Hardest Exercise You Need To Do

Today’s episode is a unique one. For the first time ever while recording an episode, I am wearing a grey hoodie and talking about something uncomfortable for many of us…it’s the “hardest” exercise you will ever do. While many of you are thinking squats, burpees, kettlebell swings, or arm farm, this takes it to an […]

5 Life Lessons, Love, & My Right Hand Man

One of my closest friends and colleagues is someone I’ve known for over 25 years. His name is Larry Indiviglia, and he’s one of the smartest & wisest people I know. Larry shares his top 5 life-lessons that apply to anyone searching for more success, happiness, and purpose in life in today’s show. Larry also […]

Mental Health, Doubling Down on IMPACT, and my G.S.D

Mornin Mornin sunshines. Get up. Get vertical. Declare today is going to be a victory. Whether it has been a great week, a good week, or a really shoddy week, let’s make today a winner. Move your body today, engage in some great conversations, listen to a podcast (preferably the one below!), and do something […]

Doubt, Fear, Nutrition, & a Live Retreat

I want to give a huge shout-out to all the MindRight Maniacs battling like heck these days and winning the battle between the ears. Today, I’m answering a handful of your questions submitted to me through my Instagram or my website. Thank you for continuing to share with me how I can best help you. […]

FQ10 Trainer to PopSugar Fitness Host to Online Visionary

In 2005, I hired a green trainer who had just moved from Boston to Cali. She grew quickly and blossomed into one of my best trainers at Fitness Quest 10. She starred in a bunch of my DVD’s (yes!), she taught boot camp, and she had an incredible following. After 6-years at FQ10, Anna went […]

Keep Climbing

There is something special about the “climb” up a tough mountain. And that’s exactly what we have here these days in the business world–one heckuva mountain. Perhaps we love the climb because we know that the view from the top is going to be spectacular. Or the physicality of the climb will leave us feeling […]