My NIGHTTIME Routine–The Key to High Performance the Next Day

I often get asked about my morning routine and best habits. And while morning routine is important, I’ve learned that my routine between dinner time and bedtime is crucial to operating at my best self the following day. In today’s episode, I share the things TO DO and NOT TO DO if you want to […]

Thanksgiving Blessings with my Wife Melanie

Happy Thanksgiving! On what is undoubtedly one of my favorite holidays of the year, today I’m joined by my favorite person on the planet, my wife Melanie. Before you dig into all the food and take a nap, get out for a walk or workout and listen to this short message on GRATITUDE. At the […]

Giving Thanks with the Durkin Kids

Happy Thanksgiving week! Today I am joined by my three kids Luke, Brady, and McKenna, as we talk about finding gratitude amid the pandemic. You will hear my love-bug daughter McKenna share her passion for soccer, and my big-dreamer Brady shares how he put on 20lbs of muscle and wrote a book. My oldest-son Luke […]

A Walk with Jersey & Me

Take a walk or jog now with my pup “Jersey Dog” and me as I share three things on my mind. In today’s episode, I will discuss: God’s Timing is always perfect, even when you don’t understand or disagree with it. Where are you putting your faith these days? It needs to be in the […]

This is what keeps me up at night…

TD Fit Class

I need to share something that’s been on my MIND a lot lately… IMPACT!!! It’s what drives me these days.It’s what fuels me right now.It’s what gets me up.It’s what keeps me up.It’s what has gotten me through the last 9-months. IMPACT. How do I change more lives?How do I save more lives?How do I […]

In the Shark Tank with Sarah Apgar & FitFighter

Who is ready to swim with the Sharks? Check out this epic podcast episode with entrepreneur, Army veteran, Iraqi war veteran, All American Rugby player at Princeton, mom, and Mastermind member and friend Sarah Apgar who just appeared on Shark Tank on ABC a few days ago. Listen in as Sarah pitches her FitFighter brand […]

Thoughts from my 35,000 Foot Spa Retreat

Welcome to my “35,000-foot spa retreat.” Today’s episode is my deep thoughts, introspection, and excitement from 35,000 feet last week as I was flying to Nashville, TN, for my TD Mastermind Retreat. It’s no secret that I do some of my best work in the sky, and I wanted to share some rarified air with […]

The STRONG Reunion with Devon & Brittany

A few years back, I had the opportunity to be on a prime time reality show called STRONG on NBC (now airing on NETFLIX). I took a huge leap of faith and a ton of risk to leave my business & family for up to 3 months. It was one heck of a ride and […]

The Hardest Exercise You Need To Do

Today’s episode is a unique one. For the first time ever while recording an episode, I am wearing a grey hoodie and talking about something uncomfortable for many of us…it’s the “hardest” exercise you will ever do. While many of you are thinking squats, burpees, kettlebell swings, or arm farm, this takes it to an […]

My Thoughts on the Election…

This week is an important one in our country’s history. Soon we will either have a new president of the United States or have the same one. 50% or so of people will be happy. Less than 50% of the people will not be happy. Today, I’m sharing my thoughts on five things “To Do” […]