Choose to RISE…A story of Resilience, Courage, & Inspiration

I love real-life, human stories that epitomize grit, courage, ambition, mental toughness, resilience, and inspiration. And that’s exactly what you have in today’s episode. Jenna Mango, a new Fitness Quest 10 hire & trainer, is a young woman who has one-heckuva story. And she’s about to touch many souls and change many lives. Jenna started […]
Get Your Mind Right | Q&A with TD

Wakey wakey, rise and shine…today’s episode is guaranteed to get the blood boiling for all the fire-breathing dragons and MindRight Maniacs out there who have piped in some awesome questions over the last couple of weeks. This is a rapid-fire episode where I answer 10 great questions relating to all aspects of business, leadership, and […]
The STRONG Reunion with Devon & Brittany

A few years back, I had the opportunity to be on a prime time reality show called STRONG on NBC (now airing on NETFLIX). I took a huge leap of faith and a ton of risk to leave my business & family for up to 3 months. It was one heck of a ride and […]
Doubt, Fear, Nutrition, & a Live Retreat

I want to give a huge shout-out to all the MindRight Maniacs battling like heck these days and winning the battle between the ears. Today, I’m answering a handful of your questions submitted to me through my Instagram or my website. Thank you for continuing to share with me how I can best help you. […]
Ep. 71 Shownotes: STRONG–When You’re on the Platform All Alone | IMPACT Q&A

Have you ever gone so deep that you had to put every ounce of effort into overcoming a gut-wrenching challenge, massive adversity, doubt, or even fear? For me, the answer is yes. In today’s episode, I share my experience on NBC STRONG (now airing on Netflix) and how that proved to be a very deep […]
GET STRONG with Oklahoma Sooners Strength Coach Bennie Wylie

I’m super-pumped today to share with you one of my great friends and most-respected strength & conditioning coaches in the world, Coach Bennie Wylie. If you recognize his name, we worked and competed together on NBC STRONG (now streaming on Netflix). Nowadays, Bennie is churning out great athletes as the Head Football Strength, Speed, and […]
Pillars of I.M.P.A.C.T. (Part 2)

In this episode of the IMPACT Show, Todd picks up right where he left on the Pillars of I.M.P.A.C.T., sharing with you about taking action in your life and maximizing your potential. Whether it’s in your career, relationships, or life, he will challenge you to go deep and give you strategies to help you achieve […]
Comeback Challenge — I Was Beating Myself Up!

Looking back to when I was filming STRONG, I remember getting that phone call from executive producer Dave Broome that he needed me back on set to compete in a “Comeback Challenge.” I also remember getting back in the car to head back to Malibu to compete to get back in the game. And here […]
Carpe Diem

In the movie Dead Poets Society there is a well-known quote that English teacher John Keating (Robin Williams) says, “CARPE DIEM.” In translation, that means “seize the day” or “seize the moment.” At the end of STRONG this past week, I walked back on set and Gabby said, “All eliminated trainers and trainees will have […]
The Game is About to Change

At the end of the last Thursday’s episode of STRONG, host Gabby Reece said, “The game is about to change.” I have been inundated since last week with emails and texts from family, friends, and fans wondering what happened and what’s going on. All I know is that when I got eliminated after “Week 3” […]