035. Reverse Pyramids [Dose Of Durkin]
“Two of the most important things in your life are your health & your body. You can have all the education & millions of dollars in the bank…but if you’ve got headaches, you’re obese, or out of shape–what good is your money? Your health account & your bank account…build them BOTH up!” ~Jack LaLanne […]
036. Get Some! [Dose Of Durkin]
“A coincidence is a miracle..where God remains anonymous.” Get Some! Warm-up (5-Mins) 5x: Pogo Jump 10 seconds on/ 10 seconds rest 4x: Goblet Squat x 15 Hip Bridge x 15 3x: Pushup x 20 TRX Row or Rack Row x 12 2x: Farmer’s Carry (2 DB’s) x 30 yards down and back Running Man […]
033. The BFR BURN!!! [Dose Of Durkin]
Your biggest test of strength will be finding the strength to walk away from what no longer serves you… and then having the courage & audacity to say “YES” to what your ultimate purpose & destiny is. That is IMPACT! The BFR BURN!!! Circuit 1: Push/Pull Pushups x 30, 20, 10, max reps […]
034. Warm-up [Dose Of Durkin]
“When you change the way you look at things…the things you look at change.” ~Dr Wayne Dyer Warm-up (3 mins) Station #1: Chase the Lion (2 rounds) KB Swings or Squat Jumps @20secs Band Splitters or Reverse DB Flys @20 secs Station #2: Rise Up! (3 rounds) Side-Lunge / Skater Plyos @ 30 secs […]
031. CARDIO & Ladder of Success [Dose Of Durkin]
“Leave the heavy baggage in your past. You don’t need it for the next part of your journey.” ~Todd Durkin CARDIO & Ladder of Success 30-minutes of cardio and listen to one episode of the IMPACT SHOW podcast (or your favorite podcast) while moving. When done with 30-minutes cardio, complete the following “ladder” […]
030. Descending Bridges [Dose Of Durkin]
“There’s always time for pain…there’s always time for healing. There’s always time for sorrow…there’s always time for joy. There’s always time for hurt…there’s always time for health. There’s always time for demons…there’s always time for dreams. There’s always time for change…there’s always time for IMPACT!” ~Todd Durkin IMPACT WORKOUT—“Descending Bridges” Circuit […]
029. Ascending Bridges [Dose Of Durkin]
“Your life might not look like what you’ve envisioned because it’s meant to be so much bigger.” ~Todd Durkin IMPACT WORKOUT—“Ascending Bridges” Circuit 1: KB Swings x 20 seconds KB Deadlifts x 20 seconds Circuit 2: Overhead Triceps Extensions (TRX, Bands, or Ropes) x 30-seconds Bicep Curls + Shoulder Press x […]
032. This one for you “Big Sid” [Dose Of Durkin]
“It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed.” ~Doe Zantamanta This one for you “Big Sid” My pops (“Big Sid”) would have been 90-years old this week (6th). This one in honor of him! Big Sid: […]
028. Burpee Buildup Challenge[Dose Of Durkin]
“If I get WEAK, everything I do gets WEAKENED.” ~TD Burpee Buildup Challenge Squats (BW) x 5, 7, 9, 11… Pushups x 5, 7, 9, 11… Alternate between the 2 exercises, increasing by 2 reps each time, for 60 seconds; REST for 30-60 seconds. Complete 10 minutes TOTAL TIME. How many reps […]
027. 2024 Dose of Durkin Kickoff!![Dose Of Durkin]
Quote: Win the DAY. Win the WEEK. Win the MONTH. Win the QUARTER. WIN THE YEAR!!! 2024 Dose of Durkin Kickoff!! Complete 24-Minutes of the Following Exercises Squats (Barbell, Front, Bodyweight) x 6-10 Squat Jumps or Box Jumps x 6 Bench Press x 6-10 Plyo Pushups x 6 Lat Pulldowns or Pullups x […]